Sniper: Ghost Warrior

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Sniper: Ghost Warrior

Unread post by Jason » Fri May 20, 2011 5:35 pm

Hey all,

Just letting you know that Sniper: Ghost Warrior is for sale on Steam for $5 grin01

I played the demo a little while back, it was surprisingly good. City Interactive have made some shockingly poor games but some really good ones. Hopefully this is one of them!

At $5 it's hard to say no! hurry though it only lasts for 24 hours, still has 23 hours to go at the time of this post.
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Re: Sniper: Ghost Warrior

Unread post by Jason » Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:07 am

Has anyone played this from our community? the multiplayer is extremely fun considering, it's very addictive once you start playing. Who knew sniping could be this fun and addicitive :twisted:

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Re: Sniper: Ghost Warrior

Unread post by Duke0196 » Tue Nov 08, 2011 2:39 am

I haven't but a vid on Youtube looked interesting. What was the SP play like? :?:

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Re: Sniper: Ghost Warrior

Unread post by Jason » Fri Nov 11, 2011 4:36 am

Sniper: Ghost Warrior has an alright Singleplayer Campaign, they have just released a new singleplayer DLC called Second Strike which is a 3 hour campaign that follows the main story which I found to be a better gameplay experience. That's because the main story campaign has a lot of random FPS sections in the game. The random action sections take you out of the stealthy/sniper/sneaky feel the entire game should have kept. You really just run & gun or get behind a turret and start shooting waves of enemies. They removed these sections in the PS3 version of the game but haven't in the PC or Xbox versions. At least the developers know they made a mistake with these parts and promise they won't be in S:GW2 thup01 But sneaking around a jungle shooting random terrorist types is fun. The bullet cam is always fun to watch grin01

They have just released the game as a Gold Edition with both the SP and MP DLC packs, so the price has gone up on steam so I suggest waiting for a sale. The game is probably worth worth a $15 if you like sniping and more if you like MP, that said...

The multiplayer is something that I wasn't interested in at first, after I played through the SP I just left the game as it was. I bought the recently released SP DLC Second Strike and beat it then decided to give MP a real try... and I've been playing it almost every day since :oops: When you are playing a game with a whole bunch of people that take their time, sit and camp around it's actually rather fun. Waiting for that perfect shot is satisfying and really addictive. There are two modes, normal and hardcore. Normal will have an aim-assit (red dot) and radar so you can see the general direction of other players. Hardcore will have no aim-assit and no radar. On some maps it will take you a while to find people without a radar. Everyone has the same character model, so you all look the same which makes it fair.

The people that play MP tend to be 25+, a lot of oldies in their 40's, probably because it's a slower gaming experience :lol: ;) and the young guys that do play are still into the whole sniping experience rather than running around like an idiot. There are still idiots every now and then - you get a sniper rifle, a pistol and some grenades in MP so the option to run around shooting people in the back of the head with a silenced pistol is there. Team Deathmatch is where the real sniping action happens, Deathmatch is a little bit free for all as you would expect. And the style of play does depend on the map as well, all of the Team Deathmatch maps are designed for side vs side gameplay. You can cross over to each others side but people will say "no run" or "no crossing" in game if it's not allowed. Sometimes a MP sniping match will turn into a chatting match rather than a shooting game, depends who's playing at the time but a lot of people chat during the game. It's definitely a friendly gaming community for the most part.

And the bad part is that MP suffers from a lot of issues every now and then. Mainly technical issues from City Interactive's side where no one can connect to the main server to login. It was bad last week but it's all good now.

It's hard to convince people to try anything but keep an open mind to giving Sniper: Ghost Warrior MP a go, it's really, really fun and completely different to most other MP experiences (most of the time).

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Re: Sniper: Ghost Warrior

Unread post by Duke0196 » Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:00 am

Jason wrote: The bullet cam is always fun to watch grin01
Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway had something similar. Kind of neat at first but I ultimately disabled it since it took away the momentum of the game. I'm sure it is different if you are talking lone sniper picking your targets from afar rather than being in the middle of a firefight.
Jason wrote: They have just released the game as a Gold Edition with both the SP and MP DLC packs, so the price has gone up on steam so I suggest waiting for a sale. The game is probably worth worth a $15 if you like sniping and more if you like MP, that said...
I do like sniping though never got into MP. Once things settle down (need to prepare for a move) I might be able to spend some time looking at some of these other games.
Jason wrote:The people that play MP tend to be 25+, a lot of oldies in their 40's, probably because it's a slower gaming experience :lol: ;)
Oldies in their 40's? Ahem, you mean youngsters! It depends on perspective. Of course, there are a lot of us older than oldies who are still young at heart. ;) But you make a good point, I probably shy away from the new FPS and MP since my reflexes aren't what they used to be. :lol:
Jason wrote:It's hard to convince people to try anything but keep an open mind to giving Sniper: Ghost Warrior MP a go, it's really, really fun and completely different to most other MP experiences (most of the time).
Ta. I really appreciate the feedback. thup01

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Re: Sniper: Ghost Warrior

Unread post by Zunami » Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:54 am

Okay, I liked the sniping aspects of this game, but everything else just sucked so bad I almost didn't want to finish the game. One moment you're doing some OK sniping, the next you're in a call of duty clone, shooting everything that moves and using stimpacks to heal you.

The AI in the game is so bad it ruined my experience.
I wouldn't buy sniper. It's a bad game, with some good basic ideas.

Maybe Sniper 2 will be better, who knows. I'll give the demo a try when it comes out, but avoid sniper one.

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