my intial thoughts obout h&d2

This is for general discussion about Hidden & Dangerous 2, talk about what you liked or what you didn't like about the sequel. Talk about multiplayer games, setup matches etc.
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my intial thoughts obout h&d2

Post by stormboy » Thu Oct 28, 2004 7:20 am

Hi everyone, i just bought h&d2 and it's pretty interesting. Also I dl'd h&d delux which I will play when I finish h&d2.

I have some comments about h&d2 so far from my view.

The game is very similar to the Conflict: Desert Storm series style
which I enjoy because I played both Conflict:desert storm1 and 2,
and I realize that h&d came first, that's what lured me into buying/needing to buy h&d2.

I'm also an avid Vietcong player online,
so, I find on normal level the enemies are pretty lazy.
I've played through first two campaigns ie scandinavia and africa.
I thought the africa campaign was very dull indeed sorry to say it but...
And the spagetti bug of no book particularly nasty!@

Also I am not really impressed with the load-out, it does not seem to give any choice of weapons really. Maybe it gets better later on. Compared to the load out in h&d1 it's not as flashy!

I also do not like the way the game sets out to give you squad combat then sends u underground by yourself. On the second map no less.

I also do not like the way tanks are used to slow down gameplay so early in the campaigns, would prefer more infantry combat initially and then when one has decent bazookas etc bring on the tanks.

Also in normal mode there are just to few enemies for a virtual combat vet like me.

The above are negatives...however, the actual shooting mechanics and command mechanics and almost everything else is just fantastic,
this is a breath of fresh air compared to most other titles I've played.

I'm hoping the missions get harder and more inhabited as the game progresses but, I'm happy to buy the game even a year late and
I hope that in the future h&d3 or something like it comes along.

I've read all the reviews about the graphics etc, I think they miss the point. The graphics are fine, and the map design is first quality, but
what needs constant attention is the quality of the gameplay offered.
When you get armed and dangerous, there needs to be enemy who are dangerous enough to be scared of enough to remain hidden...
As is, it's a bit to much like a shooting gallery.

Obviously I've yet to finish the game and so I don't know if it gets better or whatever, but, it's a great game and much better value than many other games I have bought.

We need games like h&d series to keep things real, I'm happy to own the game and hope the developers will make more games like it in the future.


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my intial thoughts obout h&d2

Post by yoobie » Thu Oct 28, 2004 4:48 pm

Hello and welcome to the forums.

About the enemies - yes i must admit, AI doesnt always work too well... but all in all the enemies are quite intelligent. They search for cover, lean around the walls and even sneak up on you sometimes. I agree it is easy to kill them, but it is also very easy to get killed. Germans arent as crappy fighters. They can sometimes take you off from a pretty huge distance with a headshot. But remember that in hd2 you take control over the sas, the best special unit in the history of ww2. The enemy is stubborn, lazy and quite hmm.. normal. Some of those soldiers probably never fought in the field before. So its no big surprise that you usualy manage to silently shoot them with your delisle, before they even get their rifle off their backs.

I dont understand the thing with the loadout, i always thought that in hd2 it was even more flexible...

Keep in mind that hd2 is about being hidden and dangerous, not in squad. There is also a special option in the game, in which you go through the whole campaign with just one man.

About the tanks you probably mean the african campagin. On spaghetti airport if youre efficient and fast enough, you wont even see the tank from reinforcements.

While on the truck/jeep ride those tanks are there to run away from, i didnt bother to take out a single one of them.

If you want extensive virtual combat, go and play COD. Hd2 is about stealth, precision and stuff like that.

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my intial thoughts obout h&d2

Post by stormboy » Thu Oct 28, 2004 10:08 pm

Well, I've played Cod, and I did enjoy it but, it's not as freeform as

Tell me with the load out, how do get cool weapons to select manually? Do you have to find them first, for example I cannot find any sticky bombs to take on missions.

Anyway I guess the interesting point you bring up concerns "how" to proceed given that we are SAS squad. Should it be played more in a stealth attack mode? But say spaghetti mission, are you saying to rush in, take the base with extreme predjudice and move out? That would be
possible when you've done the mission a few times, but only a fool or a hero would rush in that quick without great intel!

Anyway now I'm on the big boat, would be great to leave my flippers at the ladder!


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my intial thoughts obout h&d2

Post by Jackshit » Fri Oct 29, 2004 9:55 am

You can leave your flippers at the ladder, Just make sure they don't fall into the sea :D

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my intial thoughts obout h&d2

Post by yoobie » Fri Oct 29, 2004 11:29 am

Na, they cant, they count as a whole uniform, you would have to make a guard surrender and swap your uniform with his. Then make sure he wont be untied by a mate, or killed, or your scuba gear will be lost and your unit will drown in the ocean.

About the spaghetti airport - its quite different from the other maps, most of the people hate it... but it is what SAS really did the most in the war, destroying aircraft and aviation equipment... So spaghetti airport is not a stealth mission, if you would begin on the other side of the map, it would be possible to sneak in, but that way you just have to quickly go in, steal the book and then use mgs to take care of the planes (and explosives for those inside the hangar)

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my intial thoughts obout h&d2

Post by Jason » Fri Oct 29, 2004 1:51 pm

You can open up your inventory and drag & drop the scuba backpack :wink: then pick up for later.

The Africa campaign in H&D2 in my opinion too, did suck :roll: It was bland, not very exciting and kinda boring. The missions were sort of annoying. The first campaign is the best whole campaign in my opinion after it jst single missions are good every now and then.

You should get Sabre Squdron the new expansion pack I believe it is much better than most of H&D2 :D
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my intial thoughts obout h&d2

Post by sweetbutt » Fri Oct 29, 2004 2:53 pm that I've been thru' HD2 for quite a long time (I'm in the Alps right now...about to infiltrate the castle) it's time to focus the point of my feelings about the game

In my opinion at the very end due to its bugs and a not as effective can't reach the same place of still remains the king of warfare realism

but it's very very close :D

the atmosphere IMHO passes OFP...(the mission where u've got to defend the oasis at night it's probably the best atmospheric mission I've ever played so far)
sounds really let u dive into the envoironment...and the graphics are fine and accurate indeed

but as usual when a game comes out with "unbeliavable reality" written at the back of its box I'm far from considering it true-

games like HD2 (or Rainbon Six) are often too pretentious

if you really say to me I'm able to approach a mission on different ways you've gotta give me the right moves and the right space in the map (sometimes it's enough but some other time you don't have enough room to improvise (expecially here in the Alps)

if say to me enemies can surrender then you've gotta give a better way to convince them (you basically have to know who's willing to surrender....and as soon as you try it's very easy to get shot.......this doesn't sound kool to that point I just prefer to shoot the babe and try to complete the mission at the first time...cuz' usually that's my first objective)...

another thing I've noticed is that, yes you can be very stealthy, but at the very end a mission asks you to kiil all the enemies. And I'd prefer to really get behind the enemy lines without been spotted...without being forced to kill unless it's compulsory...
I would really have enjoyed the REAL possibility to sneak in without being noticed.
on the other side I think it looks very realistic the way the germans spot you...

some other minor bugs and movement problems..expecially entering a room for a CQB...


HD2 has got groove 8)
HD2 weights

there is something huge on its nature that let me pass over its limits and still enjoy it for what it is...and after all I still think HD2 is great great game.

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my intial thoughts obout h&d2

Post by stormboy » Sat Oct 30, 2004 12:29 am

Hey, the Burma missions were quite awesome. and i'm also now
heading towards the castle/ I feel I should retract the bit I said about it
being too easy on normal, it ain't all that easy unless you do everything correctly!

Also I went back to Spaghetti in Carnage mode and it was awesome,
I do agree that Spaghetti mission probably does resemble closely
what a typical SAS mission may have been, it's a classic setup, and
given you have the choice to rush with the jeep makes it all the better.

I agree that true stealth should be possible, I dunno maybe it is, I used a knife to take out one guard and that felt awesome. I'm going to try sneaking the guys up the left flank of spaghetti today to see how it goes.

By the time I got to the castle mission I was feelin confident but soon got
bullet holes coming out of me because I did not read the terrain and options properly! I still have some things to learn for sure.

h&d2 is very different to cod for me because cod felt great initially but
got boring pretty fast, whereas h&d2 felt good initially, and just keeps getting better.
I'm going to get the expansion asap for sure, and if you can do coop on-line, i'll be there soon.

Finally it is so obvious now how much of so many classic modern shooters owe so much of their design to h&d, it's a great game, and a total pleasure to play.


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my intial thoughts obout h&d2

Post by Jason » Sat Oct 30, 2004 12:49 am

if you really say to me I'm able to approach a mission on different ways you've gotta give me the right moves and the right space in the map (sometimes it's enough but some other time you don't have enough room to improvise (expecially here in the Alps)
Yes I agree with you here. There are a limit to how many ways you can do a mission. Often it is just 2 ways, some only have one real way of completing the mission and others have a few ways but not many. The differences you can make with completing the missions are not that great any way. The outcome is always the same, its just a few minor bits in the middle are different.
if say to me enemies can surrender then you've gotta give a better way to convince them (you basically have to know who's willing to surrender....and as soon as you try it's very easy to get shot.......this doesn't sound kool to that point I just prefer to shoot the babe and try to complete the mission at the first time...cuz' usually that's my first objective)...
Yes! this is very true. It seems there are set soldiers which surrender. The possibility of the soldiers surrending gets less and less with the harder difficulty you have it on as well. I think it would be better if it was more random, it would add to the game play and make it more difficult not knowing where to get a uniform. It would also add to the reply value, because what's the point of playing if you know the perfect strategy :roll:
I agree that true stealth should be possible, I dunno maybe it is, I used a knife to take out one guard and that felt awesome. I'm going to try sneaking the guys up the left flank of spaghetti today to see how it goes.
True stealth is possible in a few missions, not all. H&D2 is a mix of stealth & action. It more leans to action but the first campaign as well as a few missions later on can be played with more stealth :D
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my intial thoughts obout h&d2

Post by Alexander » Sat Oct 30, 2004 11:46 am

storm boy wrote:
I've played through first two campaigns ie scandinavia and africa.

how rude, it isnt scandinavia, it ONLY Norway, NOT Sweden, Finland or Denmark. only Norway! artic 1- 4 + the ship is norway! hah!
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my intial thoughts obout h&d2

Post by Grenni » Sat Oct 30, 2004 7:56 pm

Where the heck is Norway? :?
:twisted: :lol: :wink:
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my intial thoughts obout h&d2

Post by Lars » Sun Oct 31, 2004 2:02 am

It?s the cold white country with no trees where only yeti?s lives

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