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Unread post by Drozdov » Tue Jul 12, 2005 4:00 am

I never once said I loved them. I just don't have the same jingoistic xenophobic reaction to them as you and many others like you do. People, especially politicians and the media, like to dismiss the terrorists as nothing more than insane fanatics, who blow up innocent people for the single reason that they view them as ungodly infidel. All this talk of it being an attack on 'our way of life' and on western civilisation is not only preposterous nationalistic rubbish, it's also misleading, and intentionally so when it comes from the mouths of the government. If they can just simplify Islamic terrorism as a question of religion and a battle between two different ways of life, then it stops people from remembering the true reason that Britain has become a terrorist target. It's a direct consequence of our involvement in and strong support for (on a governmental level) wars against middle eastern countries. The Spanish people realised the truth after the Madrid bombings, that they would always be a target for terrorists so long as they had a government who supported and participated in the murder of thousands of mostly innocent muslims in Iraq. I don't hold out much hopes that the Brits will reach the same conclusions - so far the national consensus is reactionary.
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Unread post by Daniel » Tue Jul 12, 2005 10:22 am

Yes unfortunately, our country sees the need to suck up to America constantly, as ever, so such things are inevitable.

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Unread post by LondonSAS » Tue Jul 12, 2005 10:57 am

Yeah, funny how the Socialist government is dealing with all this. Funny bunch socialists. I don't express a jingoistic approach to what's going on....I'm in fact quite indifferent to it, think its funny how the people of this country and Europe as a whole have sat by for 40 odd years and watched our countries fill up with every tom, dick and harry from the arseholes of the world, and now wonder why we're getting bombed by every mud person with a grudge.
What I don't get with you lefties, and maybe you can put me right, is that on the one hand you condemn the likes of me (a neo-nazi), because we have sussed the Jews (hear me out Jason before you go applying your one sided banning and editing) and know who our enemy is and why, and on the other you fall over yourself to condemn America, the global economy, Israeli occupation of Palestine etc. etc. The main thread of the Islamic dissent is that America does Israel's bidding, which is there for all to see who can be bothered to look, they collectively call America and the UK and all the others that poodle after America, Zionists. When you allign yourself with, or try to understand the Muslim cause, you are, my little fat ginger scottish friend, lining yourself up on the ramparts with the Brownshirted warriors. Think about it.....

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Unread post by Drozdov » Tue Jul 12, 2005 7:38 pm

Hah, nice try, but you can't use your strange reasoning to convince me I'm a nazi. I don't assosciate the actions of the Israeli government and it's massive influence over American policy with any kind of international Jewish conspiracy. I assosciate that more with christian fundamentalist pressure groups in America, who believe that the Jews must be in Israel as part of the prophecy of Jebub's second coming, and won't allow the American governments to pursue any kind of anti-Israeli policy.
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Unread post by LondonSAS » Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:29 am

Didn't suggest for one moment you were Trotzky, fat and ginger wouldn't pass muster for the master race anyway :D Just stating a fact, that the hate figures of the left have a decidedly semitic make up these days. You also conveniently skirted the fact that its a socialist govt. that's dragging us into all this......
Just to finish, have pondered your message, and have come to the conclusion that you must be some fucked up, hate filled social misfit. Not a word of sympathy for the poor people (of all races and religions) who died, just your warped view on why its justified to plant bombs on the rush hour transport system, why we have to "understand" the deeper causes etc. etc. Haven't you considered that they might simply hate our way of life? Jingoistic, Xenophobic blah, blah your big words don't you? Sometimes (more often that not) you lefties and your intellectual debating societies are just plain WRONG.
Don't use Iraq as a justification for every fucked up woman hating, white hating, west hating looney that wants to kill and maim. I don't remember the West being at war with anyone when those sick fucks crashed two airliners in the WTC........what's the official bolshevik line on that one then?

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Unread post by Drozdov » Wed Jul 13, 2005 5:29 pm

Socialist government? :shock: You're the first and only person who believes that Tony Blair's government has anything to do with Socialism. This is NEW Labour, the Labour of big business and privatisation.
the hate figures of the left have a decidedly semitic make up these days.
What's the insinuation there? The centre right are far more 'semitic'.
Not a word of sympathy for the poor people (of all races and religions) who died
What? You yourself expressed your total indifference to the terrorist attacks, now you convict me of being heartless? What good do words of sympathy do anyway? Coming out with all the cliched phrases about sympathy and grief is just being PC I would have thought.
Haven't you considered that they might simply hate our way of life?
That alone does not explain why they would want to throw their lives away. Why then do they not target countries like France, Germany, Canada, or any other countries with a similar way of life? So far they have targetted Spain and Britain. Of course, it's entirely coincedental that both those countries supported the war in Iraq.

You have a semi-valid point about the WTC attacks, though you yourself said why the Islamic world resents the west. Not because they're non-Muslim infidel, but because of what they're doing in the Middle East, not just open warfare, but the consistent support of Israel in its persecution of the Palestinian people.
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Unread post by -ViTaMiHnM203- » Thu Jul 14, 2005 12:14 am

Well, they are not targeting France or Germany becuz they were in bed with Saddam. Canada becuz they obviously like hockey.

What is it in Iran? Isolationist? I totally agree with the Muslim way of life. In Iran other people are fine aslong as they dont come into there country with there ways. When they try and enter the country and dont live by there rules, they deserve to die.

And its the same thing with the other countrys, they want a Muslim continent basically, that whole area is there land and they want western rules, ethics, religion, blah blah blah out of there.

But ofcourse most of the so called "Muslims" fighting against us are extreamists and they have a false idea of what a Muslim is supposed to be. Its really not there fault, they are fed lies from the begining of there life and they believe it. They are bred to die while killing "Americans".

Its like in Rome and there empire all those years ago, they used lies about religion to keep slaves. Thats why the Bible was made availible later in all these languages so that people would know what was the truth.

Ofcourse they know what happened to us in Vietnam. How the American people got upset and forced the politicians to call the military out. They know our government is corrupt and that elected officials dont do what they believe is rite but just please the voters at every chance. If they want to get repoped back in there seats they cant defie the voters.

So they are trying to make the American people make the politicians leave the middle east. By lowering support for this war. If Britain and Spain and all these other countrys drop out, then Americans are gonna start thinking "Hey the other governments think this is a bad idea! What Are we doing there! Bad President, wawawa!". Supposedly......
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Unread post by baff » Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:43 pm

I don't think the Americans give a monkies about what other government's think, if Britain and Spain and all the others pull their forces out of Iraq, then the U.S.A. will have to double it's own commitment or leave too.

France fought against Saddam in 1991. Not sure that counts as in bed.

for my money you appear to be muddling Iran and Iraq and the middle east up with the muslim extremist terrorists, loosly named al quaeda.

Iranians and Iraqi's hate America because America has a history of agression towards them. Religion has very little to do with it, if anything at all.
Not all the moslims fighting us are extremist, just a very small minority.
The same is true about Catholics.

The Taliban are not extremists (although extremely different from christians), they are the largest (now outlawed) political party in Afghanistan. As always, they will regain control, it's just a matter of when.
In Iraq there is the same problem; the largest political party has been outlawed (the Baathists), plus a very large amount of civilians have been killed by U.S. forces.
Iraq is not an extremely moslim state. Christianity was tolerated under Saddam as was alcohol. They are historically a very religiously moderate people.
Poisoned religion is not at the root of their anti-americanism.
Military aggression is.

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Unread post by -ViTaMiHnM203- » Mon Jul 18, 2005 6:13 pm

The Muslims I am talking about are the extreamists.
Poisened religion is what makes them blow themselves up.
The bombers are the guys getting the "kills".
The people in Iraq fighting us arnt from Iraq!

The base of there way of life states to let people do what they want aslong as they dont fuk with your shit. :wink:
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Unread post by da fish » Wed Jul 27, 2005 10:31 pm

France fought against Saddam in 1991. Not sure that counts as in bed.
Iraq was firing french made anti ship missiles at our troops on the build up to the invasion. Missiles I dont think they should have had.

The Taliban ARE extremists. They also formed a political party. The party may be banned, but the theology behind them exists. It is their interpretation of the Koran which is threatening. You cant ban that.
Its like in Rome and there empire all those years ago, they used lies about religion to keep slaves. Thats why the Bible was made availible later in all these languages so that people would know what was the truth.
Careful about the Bible. It has many different versions. the current one I know and respect (I'm not a deeply religious person, but I'm more christian than anything else) is known as the King James III version (I think). It may have been "written by the hand of god" (or however you wish to believe!) but it was edited by the Catholic church. There are bits cut out. People may have heard of the "dead sea scrolls". "Da Vinci code" and all of that.

LMAO! that new labour are left wing. Keep up the comedy.

Surely being "semitic" is being in support of the jews (and, according to the dictionary, arabs). Thus being "anti-semitic" is what I think people are insinuating. In this respect I couldnt give a monkeys. We're all children of Abraham (unless you're hindu or buddhist!). Let it drop.

Personally what annoys me is that if it wasnt for the inaction of the said nations, who support Isreal now, before world war 2, the jews wouldnt have felt the need to migrate to what they feel to be their motherland and create a country where they feel safer than they have previously.

Perhaps if the Palestinians made war economically instead of violently (IE stopped wasting cash on weapons and spent it on building and education) they might earn a little respect from the Isrealis, who might then treat them a little better. Palestine has lots of wealthy friends, Aid for this shouldnt be too hard to come by.

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Unread post by LondonSAS » Thu Jul 28, 2005 2:33 pm

OK, the Nazi response................

To Trotzky:
You know as well as I do that 21st century socialism has more to do with destroying "reactionary" forces and tearing down borders and the nation state making us all a happy commune of coffee coloured mongrels than it does about its original (and wholly admirable) ideal of representing the lot of the working man. If the left cared so much about the working men of this country, who they claim to represent, would they be so quick to flood our country with low wage workers from the third world to undercut our workforce and undo 80 years of trade union struggle?
New Labour is exactly the embodiment of this new nasty socialism, but I concur that the old way of state ownership has been abandoned, alhough not high taxation and inefficient public services which has always been the hallmark of the left. I don't kid myself that the embracing of the private sector is anything other than a realisation that the core left wing policies are fundamentally flawed and everytime you red fucks mug your way to power you make us the sick man of Europe.....hence why the Tories enjoyed nearly nearly 20 years of unbroken power!

My comment on my indifference was meant in an "I told you so" vein. Of course I have sympathy for the dead and their famiies...all the dead, black, white, christian, muslim. Nobody deserves to die in such a manner. My point was that what the fuck do people expect? If they are so indifferent to the systematic dismemberment of our country as a Christian, white european nation and its replacement by a balkanised mish mash of competing ethnic groups with no common history, creed, sense of community, or in many cases even language, many of whom don't understand or even like us, then I am wholly indifferent to their fate.

Of course the muslims are using Iraq as a pretext for their terror, but I stand by my comments about the WTC. This would have happened anyway Iraq is merely being exploited by the west-hating fanatics as a convenient pretext, excuse, call it what you will to launch what would have come sooner or later anyway. You're right about Israeli persucution of Palestinians being a muslim gripe, but don't excuse the murder of innocents by the outrage of people whose only connection to the Palestinians is religion and perhaps skin colour.

I am outraged at the murder of white farmers in Rhodesia by Mugabe's apes, but you would be the first to condemn me if I decided that I should bomb a black church in London to show my solidarity with oppressed whites. Your argument is flawed.

My comment about it. I said the hate figures of the left are semitic, not the left, the figures they appear to hate. Michael Howard, 3/4 of the US administration, Israel etc. etc.
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Unread post by -ViTaMiHnM203- » Thu Jul 28, 2005 3:42 pm

Time will come?
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Unread post by LondonSAS » Thu Jul 28, 2005 4:25 pm

Time for the nasty Nazi to comment on your ill thought out opinions

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Unread post by -ViTaMiHnM203- » Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:04 pm

Wich of my opinions are ill thought out?

Go here and then tell me my opinions were ill thought out.

Make sure you catch those sexual undertones!
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Unread post by LondonSAS » Fri Jul 29, 2005 12:07 pm

A nip fuckin what? You on drugs?


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