The Temple Of Doom

This is a bit more like it. If you can forget about the inexcusably bogus premise and background to the campaign, and if you can ignore the corny Indiana Jones setting, it's a pretty decent little mission. In fact when you strip away the details it's a classic H&D scenario: shooting your way into a guarded base in order to gain access to a passage.

It's not a very hard mission, but it's got a few interesting moments; it's not boring - certainly it's not tiresome, like that last one - and you can have some fun with it. I did anyway.

MISSION: The entrance to the rebels' secret base is located underneath an ancient temple on top of a steep hill. You have to get to the entrance and, in the quaint language of the game, move all the "survived" team members into the passage.

There is no mandatory body count. There are quite a few people you can leave entirely alone and still complete the mission.

CONDITIONS: Daytime, sunny, very fine in fact.

THE OPPOSITION: Probably about 30 all told. I usually get 25 to 27 enemy killed on the debriefing screen, which sounds about right. Only about 25 that you have to do anything about, anyway.

There are three machine gunners inside the citadel, with Czech light MGs - no fixed guns, however - while the other Geeks are armed with a mixture of iron-sighted Mausers, MP-40s and a few PPShs. No mines, with one exception we'll get to at the end.

There is also a tank, apparently a Panther, but you don't have to do anything about it; it's entirely irrelevant and there's no reason you should even see it.

PERSONNEL: There will be a couple of moments when fast and accurate shooting will be required. Anyway, the game's nearly over; you may as well bring out the A Team if you haven't yet. Fast responses and good marksmanship, with reasonable endurance, are all important. Strength isn't; nobody has to carry any heavy equipment on this one.

EQUIPMENT: Each man gets a submachine gun of some kind. The PPSh is by far the best because of its high rate of fire and ammo capacity. You should have one for each man after the last mission. If not, then pass out the ones you've got - assuming you've got enough ammo for them, of course - and give the remaining men MP-40s or Stens.

Two men should have sniper rifles as well, and a moderate bit of ammo. And everybody will need to carry grenades, lots of them, both frag and potato masher kinds.

AT THE START: Amazingly enough, you're standing beside the jeep on a dirt road next to a little bridge. Ever have the vague feeling you've been in this situation before? Nobody's shooting at you. Nobody's about to.

Oh yes - the jeep's out of gas. Brilliant logistical planning there, not that it matters; there's nothing you could do with the jeep from here on anyway.

PROCEDURE: Bring your men (we will call them #2, #3 and #4 again, with #2 carrying the second sniper rifle) one by one across the bridge and to the left, going around the hill clockwise, sticking close to the base of the hill. A crouch run probably isn't necessary but wouldn't hurt.

Take the first man on around the hill to the north side. Not too far around, stop well short of the stairway area. Find a spot where there's a tuck or fold in the face of the hill - there are several, pick one that offers a good tactical situation. What you're after is a spot where your men can lie down facing northeast, covering the area between the creek and the hill. Some guys are going to come running along there pretty soon and you want your shooters to be able to hit them from the flank, rather than facing them headon.

When you've got your first man settled into position give him Guard on a spot out beyond the creek, and check to make sure he's got a good line of fire. Then bring up the next man and place him beside him, and the next, till you've got yourself a neat little three-man ambush. By now you surely know how to do this.

Now back to you, standing there by the jeep. Instead of crossing the bridge, move off to the left and back a little, up the slope of the ground. Get out the sniper rifle and study the top of the wall up on the hill ahead of you. Move around until you can see a man's head poking out above the wall. Don't move out so far he's got a shot at you. Take careful aim and try to take his head off.

You probably won't succeed; it may take several shots before he gives you a clean one. Concentrate on what you're doing and try not to be distracted by what the icons are doing. Actually you should have him down before the shit starts to fly over on the north side of the hill. When you're positive he's dead, you can click over and check out the action. There should be at least a couple of stiffs lying in front of your men. Don't get in a hurry to take control or remove the Guard commands; there may be more coming. Leave the boys alone and let them build up a little pile of bodies. They may get as many as four.

(If you start seeing skulls, then you've screwed up big time. Better go back and restart the mission and try to get it right this time.)

Meanwhile you're still standing there looking up at the hilltop and the wall. Now I'm afraid you're in for a bit of waiting. In fact you may have to wait quite a long time. But eventually a couple of sentries will come walking along by the base of the wall, moving from left to right. They may be together; more likely they'll show up one at a time, and you may have another wait before the second one. Be sure you kill them both; you have to do this before you can move on with the next phase.

If you're the impatient type then you can if you like climb up the hill and try stalking them. It can be done, it's not all that hard - but it's an extra and unnecessary risk. Up to you.

Cross the bridge and go to the base of the hill and look eastward with the scope. There are two men out there in the distance, and if you can see them you should go ahead and shoot them. It's not absolutely necessary to get rid of them, but it'll make things a little simpler at a later point. If you can't locate them, though, don't worry about it.

Go around to the west side of the hill and find a place where you can climb to the top. This will not be as simple as it might look; there are only a few places you can climb it - and remember, this is H&D, in which a big strong man will be instantly killed if he slides down the equivalent of a railway embankment, so be careful. When you do find a route to the top, make a mental note of where it is, because you'll have to bring up the other men.

And that's what you do next: bring them up the way you just came, up to the foot of the wall. Move the first one along the wall, going clockwise around the hilltop to the north side, where you'll need to keep him tight up against the wall as he reaches that last straight stretch before the gateway. Lay him down flat about halfway along this stretch of wall, facing east. Give him Guard on that stretch of wall on the far side of the gate, where it angles away to the north.

Bring up the next man and position him in a crouch behind the first one, so he can fire over his head. Give him Guard on the same spot. Then bring up the last man and lay him down off to the side - not too far, keep him in close, just far enough out from the wall to be able to cover that same target area. If you'll keep him a little to the rear of the others you won't have as much trouble with the prone men getting tangled up as they sometimes do.

When they're all in place and under Guard on that stretch of wall, you can take yourself on around in the other direction. Put away the rifle and take out the PPSh. Walk or run upright if you like, until you reach the southwest corner of the wall, but then get down flat and crawl around the corner and along the base of the wall there.

Go to third person and as you move along you'll make out a man hunkered down in a kind of declivity at the edge of the cliff up ahead. Get lined up on him and go to first person and rise up to a standing position and bust him with a burst.

If you killed those guys down on the ground, a little while ago, then you should be OK just walking on around the wall. If you didn't, though, or if you're not sure, then you better get back down. You'll have to crawl for the next stretch - unless you want to try to pick those guys off from the hilltop, which is possible but pretty risky because you're a hell of a target up there. Remember what those guards looked like through your scope?

Crawl or run, then, depending on the situation, along the base of the wall, past the guy you just burned and on along the south side of the wall until you reach the area down toward the end where the ground opens up and flattens out enough that you can get up and crouch-run the rest of the way.

Continue around the wall till you get close to that last turn before the gate, and then lie down. Very cautiously, and keeping your fingers on the keys to side-roll fast back the other way, ease out past the corner and shoot that fool who's standing there on the wall on the other side of the gate.

He won't shoot back, he doesn't even seem to be armed, but don't screw around; give him a squirt and then speed-roll back behind the cover of the wall without waiting to see whether you got him or not. He's not important anyway; you're just setting off a trap.

Have the PPSh ready to cover that corner, but you shouldn't have any occasion to shoot unless your men are real turkeys. A bunch of men will come charging out the gate in your direction - they run toward the sound of the last shot - and your lads should have no trouble cutting them down. Lie still and enjoy the sound of gunfire. Pretty soon there will be a remarkable heap of cadavers around the corner; and when you finally get a look at them and realize how close they got to you, you'll shit, but really there shouldn't be any serious risk. If one or two do get through you should be able to hack them down as they come around the corner.

After the massacre is over, it's time to settle down to the business of eliminating the remaining defenders. And this isn't an easy job. They've got all kinds of cover and you've only got one way in; it's going to take careful work to get them without losing anybody.

You can go about it in various ways; it's not that important what order you take them out in, as long as you don't expose yourself to more fire than unavoidably necessary. They're not going anywhere; that last charge out the gate was the last there's going to be. The rest of them are going to sit in there and wait for your next move.

Before going after them, though, there's a couple of items you need to take care of. First #2 should move out away from the wall a little and shoot that son of a bitch off the wall on the left side of the gate.

Next, there's a man on the steps, about halfway down, and he may decide to come up and get in on the action. At this stage nobody can get into position to shoot him without being exposed to heavy fire through the gate. But either you or one of the men on the other side of the gate can turn and face toward the steps, still lying down, and toss a few grenades over the edge and let them bounce down toward him. That should do it, though you need to check as soon as it becomes possible.

Over on the right side of the gate, #2 is the one in the best position for aggressive action right now. Your own character needs to mostly stay put, back out of sight around the corner, because there are some very nasty characters ready to whack him if he sticks his head out. In particular there is a man with a PPSh over between the north wall and that ruined temple, and he's got it all covered.

There are three machine guns you have to worry about - light Czech MGs, not fixed mounts, and the gunners move around a fair amount. One is right by the left side of the gate, and pretty exposed; #2 should be able to get him, though it's tricky getting a look at him because there's a column in the way. You can try grenading him from your own side but it's hard to score because of the angle of the wall.

There's another machine gunner inside, over on the left side and back a way, toward the big temple; and then there's a third to the right. The only way I know to get them is to crawl into position, using the column bases for cover, and using third person to locate them, and then suddenly pop up and blast them with the PPSh and drop back down. It sounds scary but really it's not all that bad; just make sure they're sitting up rather than prone - then they have to drop back down before they can fire at you, and that gives you enough time to kill them.

In addition to the machine gunners, there are several riflemen in there. One is walking a sentry beat way up at the east end; #2 can easily get a bead on him in between the columns. Another is creepy-crawling back and forth along the steps of the big temple. Wait till he's on the move and get him.

When the machine gunners have been eliminated #2 should be able to crawl over and drop down into the stairway without getting hit. Then he can move gradually up toward the top, with the rifle ready, while you use third person to check the view through the gate. There are two men who need to be picked off. One is walking back and forth along the south wall, over beyond that shed with the boxes and barrels. The other is crawling along the steps of the ruined temple. (Or possibly thrashing around helplessly, as the AIs sometimes do; but don't count on it lasting.) Keep a column between #2 and the crawling creep and ease up and nail that sentry by the south wall. Then move sidewise and get the creep on the temple steps.

At this point there should be only one man left to worry about, but he's a hell of a problem. That cowboy with the PPSh is dangerous as hell, and there isn't any really good way to get a shot at him without giving him one back at you; and he'll probably get you first.

The best way I've found to deal with him is to confuse him. Have #3 and #4 stand by the wall and start tossing grenades over in his general direction. They won't come anywhere near him, but they'll make him nervous as hell; he'll start moving around this way and that, and he'll be looking toward the wall where the grenades are coming from.

When you've got him where he doesn't know whether to shit or go blind, go back to yourself and slide out around the corner of the wall and hose down that whole area where he's standing with a long, long burst from your own burp gun. Don't wait till you can see him clearly, just start firing the instant you can see down his way at all. (You will of course have used third person to get some markers to locate him, before you make your move.)

Once he's down, you should own the place. But be careful going in the gate, and go around and check the back sides of those temple steps because the crawlers like to lurk there.

With the temple grounds secured, you can bring in the men and forget everything outside the walls. That tank isn't going to bother you and there's no need for you to bother it. Same for those guys hanging around down below the hill, if you didn't already get them.

The "secret" entrance is inside the big temple. Walk over near the steps and you'll get a completion message for finding it. Good show.

There's a man with a PPSh hiding in that inner room, on the left side of the doorway. Toss a grenade or two in the door and then do a quick third-person check to see if you got him. Even if you didn't kill him, it's very likely he'll be all confused and thrashing around on the floor and you can just walk in and gun him.

With him out of the way, turn your attention to that hole in the floor. Don't even think about going down those steps yet. Have a third-person look and you'll see one reason why. See that explosive charge over on the left side, down at the bottom? If you look close and you've got good screen resolution, you can even see the tripwire.

No big problem; just toss a grenade or two down the hole to set it off. Don't stand too close to the hole, there'll be a pretty hefty blast.

However, it won't be hefty enough to harm the man hiding down there on the right side of the stairs. Don't ask me; all I know is he's still alive, always is.

So toss another grenade or two down the stairs, this time trying to get them over on the right side. When you do get him you'll know it; he'll flop his arm out so you can see it as he lies there.

Now there's nothing left but to go down there and complete the mission. Before you do, you might want to go over the bodies and try and build up your PPSh ammo supply - and, if you've got any men who still don't have those neat burp guns, fix them up now. There's nothing else up here worth taking.

When you're done ghouling, gather everybody next to the hole and give them a follow-me and head down the stairs. I hate to disappoint you, but Lara Croft and her knockers won't be down there waiting for you. Just a lot of darkness, and then a yellow message telling you you got through that one OK.

One to go.