why are we dumbs?

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why are we dumbs?

Unread post by io » Sun Apr 03, 2005 12:47 am

I don't want to make this post too long, but let me list a couple of things I don't really understand in the behaviour of this community. And the bad news is that lately the situation is getting to get worse and worse in many aspects...

1. Forgotten maps
Today the number of maps you can reach on public servers is drastically reduced: for instance, Normandy3 and 4 is almost totally forgotten. Same for Alps2. Why is that? I just can't understand. The first 2 maps mentioned above are really great maps, Normandy4 is maybe the best of all (just a personal taste, no need to flame that). Especially for big teams like we have many times on public servers. Norm4 WAS MADE for 10 vs 10 or even bigger teams, while Norm2b - which is the absolut favourite - is rather for games like 6 vs 6 or max 8 vs 8. So what do we do? Usually we play Norm2b with 26 or 32 players, which is rediculous and chaotic, and forget the other one completily. I got no clue why is that. One of our biggest problems is that we have too few multiplayer maps... and now we play mostly on 3 maps, Norm2b, Alps1 and Arctic4. All the other maps are rare guests.

2. Unexplainable simplifying
The new fashion is to take out more and more weapons from the arsenal. I understand that we want to try every possibility and I have nothing against fun games like shotgun only and things like that. I also understand that on some maps we feel that this or that side is overpowered. Still, once upon a time we were happy to get new weapons: tanks, rocket launchers etc. Now we take out impact nades, bazookas and panzers, even on maps where they could be absolutely normal or even essential. This night I was glad to see Norm3 on a server, but soon my happiness went away seeing that Panzer/Bazooka are taken out. For god sake, why? There are tanks on this map, and without rocket launchers infantry is sitting duck for them. Oh, yes, I forgot, we have explosives, but come on, a team made of people of IQ >=50 can quite easily block enemy infantry to get close to their tank in most of the cases. Or are we all such great fans of sniper maps?

3. Spawn killing on public servers
This is an old one, but there are still very few server owners who understand that with introducing a 3 sec spawn protection we could spare lot of flames and bad feeling during gametime. What's the big deal about spawn-killing 3-5-7 enemy soldiers immediately? Is there REALLY anyone who feels he's a better gamer because he can do this? Furthermore, it's absolutely against the spirit of the game, ANY GAME. We should give our opponent at least a f...cking chance, shouldn't we? Or the idea of fair play is gone forever? (Side note to this: I was more than surprised understanding that spawn killing is not only tolerated in the official clan matches, but it's a "tactical weapon". If even the teams of the league are unable to handle this issue normally, what can we expect in public games? The whole thing is so pathetic.

4. I see more and more games where teams are totally unbalanced for long periods. Like 10 vs 5 or even 5 vs 2... Doesn't people care about this? I know some people like to play together. I know some prefers this side or that side. I know it's hard to manage even sides during the game since people come and go often. But still... Frankly, sometimes I feel stupid commiting siucide and changing team 3 or 4 times in a 15 minute game. Is it sure that the team balance option is such an evil thing? Maybe we could give it a try every now and then.

Well, that's it. I didn't write it because I want everybody to look at this game like me, or discuss these issues longly. Just think about it for a few seconds, that's all I ask. Thanks for the attention.

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why are we dumbs?

Unread post by Berry_Racer » Sun Apr 03, 2005 1:27 am

Why are we dumbs?

Because the characters we control look like this :shock:


I agree with the normady 4 map not being used... its my favourite map by far and i only have got the chance to play it once :(
Last edited by Berry_Racer on Sun Apr 03, 2005 7:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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why are we dumbs?

Unread post by Drozdov » Sun Apr 03, 2005 2:02 am

Well, my least favourite things in H&D are players who use impact grenades as their primary weapon, and people who carry a bazooka as their only weapon. It's so annoying getting killed by these lamers, therefore it's a good thing that people remove them from their servers. I do agree with you that removing rocket launchers from maps like Normandy 3 is stupid, since they have tanks in them, although it's easier to destroy a tank with explosives than it is with a bazooka in most circumstances. I disagree that it's easy to protect a tank from guys with explosives - in H&D it's hard to quickly kill somebody, and in Normandy 3 you only have a maximum of 5 feet or so in most positions to run to the tank and place your bomb. How regularly do you kill someone running before he's travelled 5 feet in H&D? Not very regularly at all, even if you're a good player with a heavy weapon. Of course, the chances are you'll get killed soon after you place your bomb, but the damage has already been done. I far prefer using bazookas or panzerfausts to destroy tanks - it takes a lot more skill, and most importantly, it's a lot more satisfying. 8) It's just a shame that some arseholes decide to use bazookas on people - but it's only because IS made the decision to greatly increase the blast radius of bazookas/panzerfausts after SS. Before that, nobody used bazookas, because they were ineffective at killing infantry. Now any noob can pick up a tube and get a good kill count.

Certainly some maps are grossly over-played, especially Normandy 2B and Czech 4, and some maps are grossly under-played, like Africa 2/5 and Czech 6, but that's the same for almost all MP FPS games. Most people love N2B (not me) and Czech 4 (including me), therefore there's always going to be more servers with those maps on them. Quite often a busy server will empty once it gets on to the less popular maps, therefore the less popular maps get removed from the map list.

On spawn nading, I hate that in public servers but I can understand it in clan matches. After all, if you've been fighting for 10 minutes over the one flag, and you finally manage to kill the enemy team and get to the flag, only to realise that you're 1 second too slow and you're about to get 8 enemies magically appearing all around you, what are you going to do to even the odds? Shove a grenade in a spawn point, or you'll have to do it all again. I don't like it, and I don't do it, but I don't think it's totally unacceptable in all situations. Doing it on public servers is totally unacceptable though - in public, the goal is to have fun, not win the round.

I could go on and on, but I'd better stop now before you all die of boredom. :shock:
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why are we dumbs?

Unread post by Jackass » Sun Apr 03, 2005 11:04 am

I don't agree with you when you say that: "It takes more skills to kill a tank with a noob tube"

I think sneaking up behind the tank and blow it up silenced is nice.
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why are we dumbs?

Unread post by Drozdov » Sun Apr 03, 2005 8:22 pm

Any retard can run headlong into a tank with a magnetic bomb in their hands. You have to know where to hit a tank with a bazooka/panzerfaust.
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why are we dumbs?

Unread post by Jackass » Sun Apr 03, 2005 8:32 pm

Yeah but it takes more bullet's and mind to sneak behind enemy lines.
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why are we dumbs?

Unread post by AK » Mon Apr 04, 2005 4:03 am

I generally function as a Panzerknacker, meaning I've got an SMG, a few mags, a shitload of magnetic explosives (Gammon-Bombs for the Brits...) and maybe a Panzerfaust. Practically nothing else; a lot of the time I sacrifice even a helmet. My technique is to wait in ambush. Tank passes, has a Gammon-bomb stuck to it, kaboom.

A lot of the listed reasons are the reason why I only play with some of my squadmates online, in either Co-Op or superbly organized little OCC games.
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why are we dumbs?

Unread post by So4RuShu » Mon Apr 11, 2005 11:59 am

For this who like these maps:

The ?=[GS]=? Clan will open now servers only with Normandy3 and Normandy4.
I am a member of ?=[GS]=? Clan and some members think like you, io, so our H&D2 Server Admin will load the Normandy3 and 4 maps more often!
Who roasts others a sausage, has a sausage-roast engine!

(Sorry, this is a German joke and I translated it with Google)

?=[GS]=? H&D 2 Clan:

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why are we dumbs?

Unread post by =BC=Eagle-Eye » Tue Apr 12, 2005 8:41 am

For me I believe that most of the maps are not used often because many people believe that they are to fun to play in.

For me my Favorite maps are Czech 4, 5 Normandy maps and Africa one for Deathmatch.

It is true though that people are using to few maps, and I believe if this continues, this could ruin the community itself. Because it will become boring.
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Unread post by -ViTaMiHnM203- » Wed May 11, 2005 10:06 am

I hardly ever host Alps1 N2B or Arc4. I host alot of N4 and N3.

I take all weapons out that didnt exist in respective years.

I take bazookas out of maps with out tanks becuz it stops people from playing rocket wars.

Take out impact grenades becuz, yeh.

I have auto team balance off becuz I dont like to be forced onto a team.

I take sniper rifles out of some maps, like Africa 3 and 4. Becuz I hate it when 3 snipers climb into the tower and dont defend the radio. They end up loosing everytime, then leaving. Wich usually happens anyway on my server.

I just was tought how to run occupation maps in objectives mode, so Iv been hosting Normandy 3 and 4 for the last 24 hours. But people seem to leave after they die, since I have respawn disabled. I dont think they understand its in objectives mode becuz I saw 1 guy say "WHAT SHITE IS THIS, I CANT RESPAWN" then he left rite before the match ended. LoL

Oh and AK, those arnt Gammon bombs, the Gammon is the No69 with a bag around it and designated the No82, wasnt used untill May 43. In game Im pretty sure they are No75 Hawkins.
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why are we dumbs?

Unread post by AK » Thu May 12, 2005 5:48 pm

Oh and AK, those arnt Gammon bombs, the Gammon is the No69 with a bag around it and designated the No82, wasnt used untill May 43. In game Im pretty sure they are No75 Hawkins.
Good to know. I was using Gammon-bomb as a cover-term, although the charge in-game bears no resembleance to a No.69. I don't know what the No.75 looked like, and I'll do some research. Perhaps the Hawkins does look like the in-game charge.
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why are we dumbs?

Unread post by -ViTaMiHnM203- » Thu May 12, 2005 9:03 pm

Well "like" is the best term. Its not an exact copy, but there are alot of things in HD2 that are fuzizled up.

Check this out> http://www.airbornerecce.com/dtroop/kit/mills.htm .
Eight, 8, the burning eight; between Sunday and Monday exists a day so great, it will devastate. :twisted:

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