Weapons Help Pls

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Weapons Help Pls

Unread post by jacktatt » Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:36 pm

HI All

Short Version :)

how do i make it possible to use axix weapons in coop? Is it possible to change the team ID of a weapon so its available to chose form the loadout screen? eg shotgun is Axis and Allies!

Long Version

About 3 months ago a blew the dust of my HD2-HD2SS disks and decided to get stuck in, i then persuaded my friend to play me at DM online. We soon realised the servers were full of hackers. 250 round mags and walking through walls (tossers). I’m a HW techie by trade so i set up an old OptiPlex 755 i had hanging around. And set it up with xp pro to host my own dedicated server on NMD with a P/W for dm and coop so the cheaters couldn’t ruin our game. (just the 2 of us and sometimes another guy who we play with). I love some of the German weapons G43 mainly. So i tried to add it on the mpmaplist.txt..didn’t work lol.

Then i dug around online for the best part of a week, trying to find out how to enable this and the only thing i found was some tables hack the cheaters use that gives you a 250 round mag!!! can the tables hack be modded to enable the G43 and MP40 for coop and have the correct amount of rounds in the mag? or even just change the id of the weapon to make it available to both sides like the shotgun (that’s available to both sides). in the SP game some German weapons are available on some missions. so why not in coop? it can be done cos some guy had done it on a coop i was in. he wouldn’t say how though.

Can anybody help pls this would make my day? thup01



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Re: Weapons Help Pls

Unread post by -ViTaMiHnM203- » Wed Feb 20, 2013 6:31 am

jacktatt wrote:it can be done cos some guy had done it on a coop i was in. he wouldn’t say how though.
That was me... :P You said some pretty disrespectful things to me as well... :roll:
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Re: Weapons Help Pls

Unread post by jacktatt » Wed Feb 20, 2013 3:59 pm

:lol: wasnt me mate.

not usualy like me!! could have been jasonRX my mate whos after the same help\plays on my private server..the guy i asked was called weridco or something like that, on a lybia2 coop bout 1 week\10 days ago.

Are you able to help us? its becoming an obsession to finally get this sorted. we've even concidered going on Elance to find a c+ coder and chip in together. if you really can help. it would be apprichiated. have you ever used Du-Montds mod? i read a thread on that just before.

Any help would be great, Thanks

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Re: Weapons Help Pls

Unread post by -ViTaMiHnM203- » Wed Feb 20, 2013 6:29 pm

Well... the person I talked with did mention a "mate" he wanted to play with... but the guy you are talking about, Wiercio, is a self-proclaimed "noob," he would not know what you were talking about. It is extremely hard to believe that he told you he had done that.

I have never heard of "Du-Montds mod," do you have a link?
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Re: Weapons Help Pls

Unread post by jacktatt » Wed Feb 20, 2013 8:51 pm


Yes werico sounds about right, well, thats what he said to me in a lybia coop map about a week or so ago(if u rekon he was a noob then maybe he was taking the p155).Anyway here is the link to du-monts mod (below). I've come here to see if anybody will help me in my plight. im not lying, making things up or anything else i just help for a pc game that i enjoy playing lol (the kind they dont make anymore). if you can help in anyway that would be awsome.

Thanks for the reply.



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Re: Weapons Help Pls

Unread post by -ViTaMiHnM203- » Wed Feb 20, 2013 10:26 pm

Oh... that is ancient... If you read the thread, then you would know I did indeed use that mod, for a few hours. I completely forgot about that, and I don't think it was called "Du-mont's mod," so that didn't help.

Reading my posts I made there, I can remember now what is was like. It moved bits and pieces around so that when the game referenced something it would reference something else. This was haphazard and annoyed me greatly. Sometime after that, since I wanted my wife to be able to play as a woman when we played as allies and of course in coop, I started playing around with the items.sav and through trial and error, I have a great working knowledge of all the areas of the items.sav. I have had now a bunch of years practice with it.

Of course, I hate it when things are replaced and moved around, I want the game being as close to original as possible, but that also has to do with my obsessive compulsive personality! So I only modify one bit of text, the correct bit, or in cases where it is multiple bits that need modifying, the correct line of bits, to gain the desired outcome.

As I told your friend, I don't agree with the goal of making the G/K 43 available for both allied and axis, this was a rare weapon, not as rare as the de Lisle, but it was also not a great weapon, having contemporary betters all around. So I refused to help, I don't want to contribute to what I would see as a worse game. I don't know what other things you would do even after that. On top of that, you or "your mate" said some very disgusting things to me and swore some more disgusting things would happen to me when he finally figured out how to do it without my help.

It is very possible, to do this, by modifying only one bit, as well as make it so you can reload the weapon with out having to expend all ammunition with another bit. It would work on all servers you played on, as long as the weapon was enabled in the maplist, you would be able to select it in setup on either side, and in coop of course. I benefit from this all the time, as most of these coop servers just copy and paste the items info from their other game types. :mrgreen: Can almost always find the German weapons I have set to both sides available on other coop servers. As well as reload weapons like the M1, M1903, SxS shotgun... G/K 43. :P I also have the de Lisle set to a different magazine, which was already in the game, just not being used. The M1911 magazine would not fit or engage in a de Lisle, and vice versa, there were slight modifications that destroyed that possibility.

Oh yeah, please server maplist editors, add the German woman's uniform, item 235, to your lists for all maps! Some servers do have it, and that is great, but they are usually the servers that I don't like to play on, they just add EVERYTHING. :lol: :mrgreen: funny02 Oh and the MP 40 to all coop maps. :grin:

I spent a lot of time going through it all, if it is an obsession go in to the file and figure it out for yourself. Then you will deserve the chance to destroy the sanctity of the game. :lol: The changes I have made, I believe make the game better, these are changes that I would want to have been included in the next patch.

I have corrected the weight of items, somethings were too light, somethings too heavy. Corrected muzzle velocities, which has an effect on damage at range, so somethings are hitting for less damage, some for more. Corrected magazine capacities, some which were just incorrect and some which were in breaking with procedure at the time. Made things allied only instead of both, for example, among other things, the Clam MkIII, or the "clummy bomb," I hate it when I see people on the German team running up to vehicles and placing them.

Not everything works like it should on other servers though:

As for the de Lisle magazine, it works fine for me in selection and in game play, but if another player drops his magazines and I pick them up, I can only use them in my 1911.

The PaK and leFH cannons, which were heavily reduced to allow for the guided view of the shell, I increased the velocity on. So with the PaK you can easily take out the Panzer IIIEs as soon as they come over the hill on Sicily 2... but if I am on another server, the server still thinks it is lower, so I have to remember how to aim when it was slower, I still see the round traveling as high speed, but the server is not transmitting that info to others or registering it itself. The reverse is true for those that are on my server, they will think it is traveling at low speeds and aim high, I see the rounds flying over the tanks... :lol: but with the leFH they are completely useless on Ardennes objective map. funny01 Of course they were given a low velocity so they could actually be used. The problem is, they go up in to the sky at the trajectory needed, and projectiles disappear in this game if they go past those invisible barriers! They can still be used at low trajectories, but then you have to get past all those trees...

Then the ZB for example has a default 30 round magazine, on my server all the NPCs with be running with the correct 20. :grin: When I am on other servers, of course it is 20 for me, but if I pick up an enemies it can have upwards of 20, cheaters! fingers01 The MP 40 and Sten are at 30 instead of 32, the MP/StG 44 at 25. So other players on other server have more ammunition, if I pick up their weapon before they fire off any rounds I see 32 and 30 respectively in these weapons, which was true to practice at the time, there were some idiots loading their magazines fully. :mrgreen:

Wow this went far, I think I said everything that was on my mind... funny01 thup01
Last edited by -ViTaMiHnM203- on Thu Sep 12, 2024 6:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Weapons Help Pls

Unread post by jacktatt » Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:40 am

:shock: :eek:

You sir, appear to be genius.

I'm a little lost for words here as what you have wrote dwarfs my meager want to enable a couple of weapons for my SAS server. Quite right the German ZB were using the 20rd rifle mags that I know(you obviously know your stuff). But by the same token.

Did the SAS not have acsess to axis weapons during WW2. It's a well known fact that they did and they used them on more than one occasion. I can use the g43 in coop with a tables hack I found. But who wants a 250 round mag? That ruins the game.

You say I need to edit the items.sav. Ok I have poked around with this file with a hex editor but struggle to find the part that defines weapon sides. I'm not expecting anyone to hand me the file on a silver platter (although that would be nice) I will have a go at editing myself. I also take an acronis image of my c:/ so if my endeavours ruin the game a can restore my hdd back to how it was pre editing. If you could divulge some more information on the matter I would be grateful feel free to pm me if you don't want the info out on the forum.

You obviously have a passion for the game that's second to none.

Thanks for the reply

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Re: Weapons Help Pls

Unread post by hdmaster » Thu Feb 21, 2013 3:29 pm

You can assign weapons to teams by changing the integer value that comes 24 bytes after the end of the item name. The item name has a fixed length of 20 bytes, if less remaining space is padded with 0xCDCDCDCD. So start counting from that end.
Valid values are from 0 to 2:

00000000 : Allies
01000000 : Axis
02000000 : Both sides

Here's an example of a modified items.sav (left side modified version) where I have assigned the MP44 to the allies, the orange value is the one I've changed.


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Re: Weapons Help Pls

Unread post by jacktatt » Thu Feb 21, 2013 4:34 pm

Dude Thanks so much, your a legend. :lol: :grin: :grin: :lol:

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Re: Weapons Help Pls

Unread post by -ViTaMiHnM203- » Thu Feb 21, 2013 6:46 pm

jacktatt wrote:You sir, appear to be genius.
Genius? lol
jacktatt wrote:Did the SAS not have acsess to axis weapons during WW2. It's a well known fact that they did and they used them on more than one occasion. I can use the g43 in coop with a tables hack I found. But who wants a 250 round mag? That ruins the game.
They did, in particular the MP 40 was used, but the G/K 43 was not a weapon that was sought after.
jacktatt wrote:I'm not expecting anyone to hand me the file on a silver platter (although that would be nice) I will have a go at editing myself.
Well you are a better advocate for your wants than your friend is, you don't sound like him, so I will give you the credit there. Your sentence structure is much better.
jacktatt wrote:I also take an acronis image of my c:/ so if my endeavours ruin the game a can restore my hdd back to how it was pre editing.
That wouldn't be necessary if you are just editing the items.sav... you only need start with a fresh items.sav.
hdmaster wrote:You can assign weapons to teams by changing the integer value that comes 24 bytes after the end of the item name.
Well if you divulge that much, why not tell him how to enable reloading? :P
jacktatt wrote:Dude Thanks so much, your a legend. :lol: :grin: :grin: :lol:
Yeah, hdmaster is always very helpful and pops in when he is needed, it's HDtooey sense. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have the best items.sav version to work with. Make sure you are using the items.sav from 1.12, or at least 1.11.
Last edited by -ViTaMiHnM203- on Thu Sep 12, 2024 6:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Weapons Help Pls

Unread post by jacktatt » Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:45 pm

Dear ViTaMiHnM203

I would thank you graciously too but you've done nothing shy of being obnoxious. Dangling carrots in front of me, will you tell me? Won’t you tell me? I really don’t get your angle here.
I do think you’re a genius because you seem to be very knowledgeable. I will give you that i mean it.
Though even then you can't even grasp the basic concept of taking a compliment. You just reply "lol". Another fantastic character trait. Rudeness.

This is a moding\HD2 Gaming forum where people club together and share ideas and noobs like me get help from the experts. You seem to take pleasure in stringing people along (I’ve read some of your other posts). I think the only way you can express any form of self-importance is through the medium of an 8 year old computer game. For me it’s a great hobby. For you its SEEMS to be the basis of your entire existence.

I came on here for help for my OWN server, to change and spice up the gameplay a little. Not to read your endless dribbling nonsense about magazine clips for M111911 fitting delisles and and endless more poppycock. Is it possible to just be nice and help somebody? I’m not surprised JasonRX told you where to get off.
HDMASTER (thanks again) answered my post with one clear easy to understand answer and even kindly gave me a screen shot.

You on the other hand droned on and on, sprouting endless pointless information in 3 posts that weren’t even helping me answer my question. All be it very interesting information if you’re a WW2 historian\enthusiast. HELLO THIS IS A PC GAME BRO.

On a personal note. I’ll take the liberty of printing off and keeping your posts as a sleeping aid. Rather than counting sheep i will read them and that will help me drop off nicely.

Thank you once again for nothing and I sincerely hope you don’t bother to reply to this because I’ve made my feelings quite clear.

Your lack of willingness to help me obviously reflects your penis size, Good day to you Sir

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Re: Weapons Help Pls

Unread post by -ViTaMiHnM203- » Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:54 pm

jacktatt wrote:Dear ViTaMiHnM203
jacktatt wrote:I would thank you graciously too but you've done nothing shy of being obnoxious. Dangling carrots in front of me, will you tell me? Won’t you tell me? I really don’t get your angle here.
Thank me for what? Bringing it up is obnoxious...

I think you are your friend, JasonRX you call him, even if not, you still make friends with people I dislike. I was coming around to you, but after this post, you show me your colors. Just like your friend, trying to be nice 'til it is clear you won't get what you want, or don't feel you need it anymore than out with the insults.
jacktatt wrote:I do think you’re a genius because you seem to be very knowledgeable.
Knowledge does not a genius make.
jacktatt wrote:Though even then you can't even grasp the basic concept of taking a compliment. You just reply "lol". Another fantastic character trait. Rudeness.
I can grasp that concept, I just feel you were trying to sugar talk me in to helping you. I agree it is a fantastic character trait, I can manage relationships quite well with it.
jacktatt wrote:This is a moding\HD2 Gaming forum where people club together and share ideas and noobs like me get help from the experts. You seem to take pleasure in stringing people along (I’ve read some of your other posts). I think the only way you can express any form of self-importance is through the medium of an 8 year old computer game. For me it’s a great hobby. For you its SEEMS to be the basis of your entire existence.
I like creating conversations, if I had just given you the answer like hdmaster, - not saying I don't like his clear and to the point post - then the conversation ends there. There has been no activity really on here for a week or more, I am ready for a dialogue, you present that opportunity. I think your comment on self-importance is obnoxious. If you had gathered, I have a wife, as I said, and children, they give me expression of self-importance and if I had to think of a basis for my entire existence it would be them...
jacktatt wrote:your endless dribbling nonsense about magazine clips for M111911 fitting delisles and and endless more poppycock.
It could help someone that falls onto the forum... and anybody else reading that might be interested or have something to add. It wasn't really for you... in retrospect.
jacktatt wrote:Is it possible to just be nice and help somebody?
Hey I have helped one or two people! I am just a quick judge of character!
jacktatt wrote:I’m not surprised JasonRX told you where to get off.
Is this sexual in nature? I don't remember that advice...
jacktatt wrote:HDMASTER (thanks again) answered my post with one clear easy to understand answer and even kindly gave me a screen shot.
Yes, there are great people that don't see the shades of others, so you got your help, why complain? Why insult?
jacktatt wrote:You on the other hand droned on and on, sprouting endless pointless information in 3 posts that weren’t even helping me answer my question. All be it very interesting information if you’re a WW2 historian\enthusiast. HELLO THIS IS A PC GAME BRO.
Well it was not designed to answer your question, but to maybe get you interested in going at the items.sav, I did give you hints. Hello, what is it they say about people that end their sentences with "bro," do you know?
jacktatt wrote:On a personal note. I’ll take the liberty of printing off and keeping your posts as a sleeping aid. Rather than counting sheep i will read them and that will help me drop off nicely.
Well now here you go actually making me regret saying anything, I don't like the idea of you printing out my posts and sleeping with them, that feels awkward.
jacktatt wrote:Thank you once again for nothing and I sincerely hope you don’t bother to reply to this because I’ve made my feelings quite clear.
Well then why address me directly? I think you wanted a reply...
jacktatt wrote:Your lack of willingness to help me obviously reflects your penis size, Good day to you Sir
That is another thing they say about uncompromising men! Interesting that you know that, nice of you to bring it up, and cute that you would think about my endowment.
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Re: Weapons Help Pls

Unread post by jacktatt » Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:09 pm


SQDN LDR Ted Striker
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Re: Weapons Help Pls

Unread post by SQDN LDR Ted Striker » Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:43 am

you guys just keep it cool,
hdmaster better not tell 'em how to do it,
you'll open up Pandoras's box if you do so, I guess :twisted:

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Re: Weapons Help Pls

Unread post by jacktatt » Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:12 pm

Hi There

Lol it’s all good SQDN LDR ted, i have no intensions of using what I’ve learned on another server but my own, i have achieved what i needed for my own server i can also change the reload for the M1 Garand and G43 but not sure if you can in reality is ive never fired either of those guns. At the moment I’m looking into how to modify the R.O.F as it varies from map to map (or seems too).

yes it seems ViTaMiHnM203 and I have a "clash of personalities" i think i was a tad harsh (if you read this i was frustrated about your vagueness mate and when HDmaster told me i decided to "egg on face you" immature granted, accept my apologies please :) )



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