Released files: Deluxe 2 and H&D Restored

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Released files: Deluxe 2 and H&D Restored

Unread post by Jason » Fri Sep 17, 2010 5:34 pm

Hey all,

As explained here I have decided to release some things I was working on a long time ago. They aren't exactly the most amazing packages in terms of missions as only a handful were worked on.

The packages are Deluxe 2 (30MB) and H&D Restored (35MB).

Changes in Deluxe 2
  • Changed order of missions to reflect timeline
  • De-censored the images
  • Revamped C1M1
  • Added the 1st person weapon models from FFF/DB - buggy
  • Created 268 models to be used as different "faces"
  • Changed theme music to be Original theme
  • Change inventory to allow FF/DB weapons in Original missions
Changes in H&D Restored
  • Changed order of missions to reflect timeline
  • De-censored the images
  • Edited the following missions: italy1, italy2, italy3, italy4, ardenes1, ardenes2, ardenes3 and northoc
  • Added the 1st person weapon models from FFF/DB - buggy
  • Created 268 models to be used as different "faces"
  • Changed theme music to be Original theme
  • Added sound files from FFF/DB
  • Change inventory to allow FF/DB weapons in Original missions
Remember that these weren't finished and a lot of the work was done on restoring the actual gameplay rather than create new models or missions. You can certainly take what I have done and use it as a base for creating new missions. It's great to have so many different models with so many different faces on them. It's not perfect but it's something.

To install the packages, first extract all the folders into the data directory of H&D Deluxe. Then simply run the RUN.bat file and it will install everything for you. If you do not want to have the FFF/DB 1st person weapon views then simply remove all the models that name begins with "z_" from the models folder that is extracted, e.g. "z_sten.I3D".

What's next
There is a whole bunch of stuff that I have been sent over the years that includes mods and missions for H&D Deluxe and maybe H&D2. I'm just going to release everything I have :lol: There maybe some gems in my old MSN Messenger received files folder. We'll just have to wait and see, it's kind of exciting!
Last edited by Jason on Fri Sep 17, 2010 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Released files: Deluxe 2 and H&D Restored

Unread post by Wilson » Sun Oct 31, 2010 1:23 am

Can you explain a little more what is changed in these?  Is actual gameplay different?  What sort of edits did you do on the missions?

I have not kept up with H&D for a while, but I keep coming back - it was just such a great game and I like being able to make missions.  : (

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Re: Released files: Deluxe 2 and H&D Restored

Unread post by Jason » Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:47 pm

Deluxe 2 was my original project where I wanted to re-do the missions of H&D, really I only completed C1M1 however I did work on C1M4 but have no idea where it has gone. I spent a lot of time going through the models and adding the different faces from the original game onto the models. This really took a lot of time but was worth it for later use. The plan was to swap the 1st person weapon views over, however I could not get them working correctly. I think I might know what is wrong with them now actually and will look at it again once I have time. It could be a keyframe animation thing, the gun fire animation or flash shows up when you switch characters. Obviously we needed to decensor the images, so I added that into it. Another minor change was the theme music, seriously why did you change this guys (@lonelycatgames). I mean the FFF/DB music was good don't get me wrong but the H&D1 theme is fucking epic, you don't mess with our theme, every fan loves that theme music :mrgreen: Also, ever since the release of FFF/DB we've all wanted the weapons from it to be in the original. So I wanted to go through and change that but that wasn't complete and got me thinking...

All my ideas weren't getting out fast enough plus I didn't have the skills needed to complete Deluxe 2 on my own and still don't. In fact I will probably hire some people to build some models for me so we can all use them. As I was looking through H&D1 vs Deluxe I noticed a lot had changed in the missions and a far amount of the feel had been lost due to minor issues. That's when the H&D Restored idea came. I'm proud of my efforts to get C1M1 back to how it originally felt. It was way too bloody light in the Deluxe version. Definitely check it out. All the work I did for H&D Deluxe 2 could be transfered over as I used it as a base. I edited a lot more missions to use the different models and weapons from H&D FFF/DB. From memory a lot of the music was missing from FFF/DB so I added that back in as well... still not 100% about what was missing or changed.

Basically all that's in there in what's been said. It's not much that has been changed you can really just see these packages as a base to develop your own mod/missions.

In the H&D Deluxe 2 package I have a system for guards being on patrol. They just go back and forwards like idiots never stopping to wait and "look" around but I came up with a way to make them patrol with a pause. Like in Death to Spies or Commandos. The one thing I really wanted to improve was FFF/DB C1M1. I wanted it to have more stealth aspects. If the guards don't stop, how can you silently kill them from behind? So I did figure out a way to have them do this. Check it out!

These projects are definitely closed now. But I have other plans. As you know I am working on the re-creation of the Flash Mini-Game this will be completed because it's the only Flash related project I have to do and I've spent the past 1-2 years learning Flash, Flex and Adobe AIR... I'm not letting those skills go to waste!

After that I will re-create Snow Demon from scratch using the Insanity 2 engine. If it works then we'll see what else I can do, if it fails due to the engine being too old, and all it's limitations being too much then I will move the project to another Engine. Perhaps UDK or Unity. However, if I can't mod for Insanity 2 the way I want I can't legally create a H&D game on anything else. Therefore I will start on my own flavour of H&D which I have been dreaming about for years grin01 I'm an Australian, we were in Tobruk... Commando raids... enough said!

So my time line...
  • Deluxe 2 >  spawned Deluxe Restored > both came to an end 2010
  • Failure to locate original copy of H&D 2 mini-game and lots of skills to re-create spawned H&D 2 mini-game re-creation
  • Re-create Snow Demon in Insanity 2, depending on outcome re-create rest on mission by mission basis or create my own squad based game/mod using another engine
Why don't you mod for H&D2? When the game first came out I was unable to play it for ages, when I finally did I was so disappointed. Still am. Sabre Squadren is much better, H&D2 has some good missions but the feel of the game from the original is not there. Sabre Squadron C1M1 is H&D on H&D2's engine, yay! the rest of it is H&D FFF with bits of H&D2. I want an editor, make it easy for me :P I'd love to edit the missions and put the original feel into some of them but the engine is just, well a pile of shit to be honest it fails to create atmosphere. Love the stealth aspects as I've said a million times.

My biggest regret is leaving the H&D community for that slut Red Faction :lol: her editor was nice, oh was it nice ;) I stopped creating H&D Deluxe missions. Not even sure I made any more after that, maybe the Assassination mission? That was my last one but not sure when I released that originally. I created 3 maps for Red Faction, planned a mod and had a team working on it but that fizzled out. We all just stopped working on it. I was young back then... what can I say. Then life kept me away and by that I mean sex errr relationships. Then my old job too.

We all share the experience of H&D, the original game was/is amazing. I remember the feelings from playing certain maps. It had a profound impact on my gaming life. My love for this game will never end, it's fucking awesome. Re-visiting the game now is not as much fun, lets face it. We need to continue it, we need to re-create it. We can't get swooped up in other games or new fads or styles and try to mix them into H&D. It's difficult to create a once off map for H&D because it's a campaign game that continues. You need an element of story in there with lots of events and those events affect the outcome.

So, what about the website? Well, how long have I said now that I'm working on it? You've seen bits and pieces here and there. I'll admit that when working on projects I get caught up in the little details then reaching a crossroads where I find it difficult to decide what to do next. I'm a perfectionist and that does cause productivity issues :oops: The new website is coming. I've changed the design again. Going back to an older style I had mocked up ages ago.

The thing is I'm a professional freelance website developer. I make my living developing websites for other people, when you get time off you rarely want to get right into your personal projects. So I think the way I will handle it from now on is to treat my personal projects like commercial projects and even do them during work times. When I have no other work to do of course :mrgreen: Being a freelancer has really changed my life, for the better and has freed up some time for me to do other things. The work that I do does contribute to this website in that I have more skills to put into it. It's just time I really need.

But what about H&D 3? Have you played Mafia 2? Oh Illusion Softworks, H&D died with you didn't it? 2k Czech people told me to stay updated with their website and twitter account. So yeah... you communicate with people for a while and think you have a sort of friendship only to be given silence then a standard line no_01

Guess what? I tried buying out Mafia Scene but they wouldn't sell :lol: I had plans to create the 2k Czech Gaming Network... registered a whole bunch of domains. So glad I didn't follow that one through. I worked on the website for a while. So that took time away from the actual H&D website.

So that is where we're at here, I hope this answers some questions thup01
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Re: Released files: Deluxe 2 and H&D Restored

Unread post by Wilson » Wed Nov 03, 2010 7:10 pm

Thanks.  I will check them out.
  • So, using Restored, I can create addons that let me use the FFF inventory?
  • And do the end users need Restored, or will it work if I just create it myself?
  • Everything in Deluxe 2 is in Restored?  So I should just use that?
Thanks for finding the original music.  You are right on target with that.  The FFF music is good, but the original theme was absolutely perfect.  No reason to change it. 

I don't think any other game has captured the look and feel of the original H&D.  Simply one of the best games ever mad, even with its flaws and bugs.  Incredibly fun to play co-op.  I wasn't as disappointed in H&D2 as you, but it still was not quite the original.  For me a big part was the music - a continuous music soundtrack actually detracted from the musical effect.  Having music clips appear at opportune times was much more dramatic in the original.  The H&D2 music is good, but it is playing too much.

I always thought some things seemed different in Deluxe, but I didn't have the original (it was at a friend's) so I couldn't compare.  Definitely that first mission was like daylight by comparison!

Something has gotten me interested in making addons again.  Even though there is no one out there to play them anymore? Well maybe you and Lars!?!

A big limitation now is not having more maps.  There's only so many ideas for new missions on the same old maps.  Switch day and night, add some rain, start in different locations? Some of them are almost unusable for a new mission.  I don't have 3dsmax, nor would I have the time to create new maps from scratch anyway. 

I know at least in the Normandy addon someone (Lars, Grenni? I don't remeber who) used an original map but somehow changed it to use different textures instead of snow, making it a non-winter map.  That was supercool, and maybe I can do that with the other Ardennes maps, if I can find out how he did it.  Also maybe I can extract some stuff from unclevadim's Bertgold.  My current crappy old PC is too slow to run it, but just seeing little bits and pieces - WOW how did he do all that?!?!  I?m guessing there are a lot of new maps and models in there. 

I'm definitely more interested in making addons that emphasize the stealth aspect.    I really don't care at all for the missions that are simply "Kill all enemies."  There are literally millions of "shoot everything in sight" games out there.   The beauty of this game was the "small team of men behind enemy lines on a secret mission" aspect.  Where Eagles Dare.  Force Ten From Navarone. 

In fact, I want to make some missions that are basically impossible to accomplish without stealth, recon, planning, and timing.  I don' know exactly how I will do that yet, and it is definitely harder than "kill them all."  I tried to do that in my Yugoslavia addon.  But the whole point of a small team of men would not be to take on the whole Wehrmacht.  It would be to sneak in, blow some stuff up, and sneak out without ever being seen.   It's HIDDEN and Dangerous.

Anyway, at least it's fun to talk about with someone else who obviously appreciates it.
Last edited by Wilson on Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Released files: Deluxe 2 and H&D Restored

Unread post by Lars » Thu Nov 04, 2010 3:35 am

Wilson wrote:
I know at least in the Normandy addon someone (Lars, Grenni? I don't remeber who) used an original map but somehow changed it to use different textures instead of snow, making it a non-winter map.  That was supercool, and maybe I can do that with the other Ardennes maps, if I can find out how he did it.  Also maybe I can extract some stuff from unclevadim?s Bertgold.  My current crappy old PC is too slow to run it, but just seeing little bits and pieces ? WOW how did he do all that?!?!  I?m guessing there are a lot of new maps and models in there. 
I changed them .. in fact it was an very fast way to update an map .. took me maybe 30-60 min to change the textures with max. No idea if it is possible to  change them without it
Wilson wrote:
Something has gotten me interested in making addons again.  Even though there is no one out there to play them anymore?Well maybe you and Lars!?!
I thought the same but regarding the downloads of Grennis last AddOn and some of the hd2 coop mission downloads they are nearly downloaded with the same number. I still got here several old unreleased new missions from Bighouse, Wadim, Teamn and myself. Its a shame that we don't have the affort to finish them


Re: Released files: Deluxe 2 and H&D Restored

Unread post by Luftwaffles » Wed Dec 08, 2010 2:50 am

I have the H&D bug again after leaving it alone for 3 or 4 years.. Thanks for all the hard work Jason! I still love this game, and it's good to see there is still life in the community.. I was afraid all the sites would be gone by now.

Don't let  the H&D dream die!

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Re: Released files: Deluxe 2 and H&D Restored

Unread post by Jason » Wed Dec 08, 2010 1:18 pm

Welcome to the forums Luftwaffles

What bug are you still having?
Luftwaffles wrote:Don't let  the H&D dream die!
Never! :mrgreen:
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Re: Released files: Deluxe 2 and H&D Restored

Unread post by Luftwaffles » Thu Dec 09, 2010 2:11 am

Jason wrote: What bug are you still having?
Oh hehe, 'the bug', 'the itch', 'the urge', to play H&D! I even remembered what my old user name was for campaigns: Oddball, a homage to the character in Kelly's Heroes played by Donald Southerland  :lol:

Deluxe 2 is lots fun.. I like using the M1A1 Carbine as a side arm with my snipers.

Well, this here 'Der Tommy' is gonna get back to the campaign. I'm about to play 'Tree At The End Of Garden' for the first time in years.
Last edited by Luftwaffles on Thu Dec 09, 2010 2:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

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