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The Royal Marines Commando

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 10:26 am
by Jason
Despite the lame name and questionable accuracy to real history, the Royal Marines Commando cheapo game from City Interactive is pretty good. Thanks to (UGF} Corporal Desola for pointing it out to me. The game has an interesting atmosphere. I have only played the first level but it had three parts to it. So far in the game you don't fight alone, the first level has you in a team of three. The second level you are with someone else and have to sneak around. The game is cheap at $AUS 20 from EB Games, no doubt it is like $USD 10 every where else.

Check out the website for screens and info (The Royal Marines Commando), there isn't much there but this game is worth it for a cheapo.

Re: The Royal Marines Commando

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 7:15 am
by Jason
I have just completed the game. The whole game is basically one H&D campaign. The goal is to locate and destroy some prototype german submarines. There are 6 missions that span over France, England, Africa and other European locations. The missions are well designed and offer some new ideas. The game is buggy in some parts, such as the last two missions I was not shot at by the enemy soldiers - but I was able to fix this later by changing the difficulty setting with-in the options menu (you can set it in two places). Once you complete a mission you can choose it from a custom game menu. In most missions you play along side two other soldiers, some just the one and in two missions you go off on your own in one part.

You can stand while using the Bren gun and the thompson has a barrel clip which makes it a tommy gun :mrgreen:

At the end of the game one of the characters says there are plenty of more missions for the Unit to complete hinting at a squeal... good stuff.... go get the game! it's worth the cheap price and will keep your thrust for H&D3 at bay.

Re: The Royal Marines Commando

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 11:38 am
by wanderer1825
Thanks for the info Jason. Will have a look.


Re: The Royal Marines Commando

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 3:52 pm
by wanderer1825
Dosn't seem to be available in the UK.
Can't even find it on Ebay.


Re: The Royal Marines Commando

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 1:11 pm
by (UGF} Corporal Desola
Hey Jason, have you tried the multiplayer yet, if so could you give us a few details on it, as because the singleplayer sounds short and the AI an bit crap, I was wondering wether you select your gear like H&D2, and there is an patch available for RMsC, it knocks the version up from 1.0 to 1.01 and fixes an few bugs APARENTLY.

Re: The Royal Marines Commando

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 3:13 pm
by Jason
Multiplayer is not available with The Royal Marines Commando, it is available in City Interactive's Operation Thunderstorm though. You don't select your weapons, you just get them like any standard FPS. I installed the patch and I think it did help but still has some issues.

RMC is not on ebay but if I do notice it any where I will get a copy. I played another City Interactive game, Battlestrike Force of Resistance, it's pretty crap compared to RMC. I just started playing Operation Thunderstorm, aka Mortyr 3, and it is... shit, pure shit :roll:. I thought RMC started a new wave at City Interactive but it seems a once off at this stage... but of course it's not perfect - you can't expect much from a cheap game.

Operation thunderstorm has multiplayer and more levels than other games they have, hopefully they start getting better and offering better games. I have hope!

We really need another Deadly dozen style cheap game. Definitely check out Death to Spies if you like the stealth aspect of H&D2... I want H&D3 :cry:

Re: The Royal Marines Commando

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 3:45 am
by (UGF} Corporal Desola
Man, I must dream about H&D3 everytime I see H&D somewhere, even here, or look at an .DTA file.

But seeing your already in the IT world, and I'm just entering, maybe we could make our own H&D3, like not using the existing H&D technolgies but something we write ourselves. I know I tried to make OpenLS3D, but H&D2's formats are hard to crack, and every .SAV file in TABLES is in it's OWN format (since I discovered that, I lost interest big time in OLS3D).

Re: The Royal Marines Commando

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 1:03 pm
by Jason
I'd love too... but I am a poser. I'm just a web programmer :cry: HTML,CSS, Javascript, PHP, SQL... know'em all but C, C++ are like Chinese to me at this point in time... but I will pick up a book soon!

My H&D projects:
Website phase 1, Deluxe 2: restored. Then Deluxe 2: updated (updating models). I want to license the Deluxe engine... it would be cheap as... I recently saw a licensing fee for another game engine way better grin01

What's 5k - 10k... well I suppose I need that first... *checks the coin jar*

Re: The Royal Marines Commando

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 1:52 pm
by (UGF} Corporal Desola
Actually, you should try PASCAL or Delphi as Borland likes to say, it's pretty much C in English, then move up to C, I doing basic C, but anything too complex like to many references to pointered-objects (a->name = 0;) and it makes my eyes go funny, really it does.

C++ is really only for advanced C programmers, which I wouldn't class myself even as one of them, because it's an lot more symbol based, hense:

PASCAL: WRITELN('Hello World')
C: printf("Hello World\n");
C++: cout << "Hello World" << endl;

Re: The Royal Marines Commando

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 2:32 pm
by Jason
Well I am pretty damn advanced with PHP, The C example is more friendly to me than PASCAL haha, but C++ is making me look left instead of right... it's like going up and a going down escalator funny02

Have you looked at Ruby? awful syntax :shock:

Slightly on topic, Royal Marines Commandos uses the same engine as F.E.A.R so I have been trying to use their tools to crack open the game. The FEAR SDK is 600+mb