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Theif 3 deadly shadows

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 10:17 pm
by Berry_Racer
I was just wondering if any fans of hidden and dangerous are fans of the theif series.. Its just there the only two games that i play because of how fun they are. Also there was a petion for an editior which actully resulted in the release of an editor :roll: If only IS could satisfy there community the same way :)
So anyway is anyone else a fan of thief 3 here on the forums ?

Theif 3 deadly shadows

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 11:38 pm
by Drozdov
I'm a huge fan of the Thief series, got all 3 of them. However, Thief 3 didn't run very well on my system as I had an ATI card, and it has a problem with ATI cards. The card was powerful enough to run it decently, but I read the readme and it did say that ATI cards can't run Thief 3 well for some reason. I stuck with it, though, it ran ok most of the time. I played quite a few of the missions, then I had a problem with my most recent save game. The newest working save game was about 4/5 long missions back. :x Gave up after that, buuuut, I'm getting a new GeForce 6600 graphics card tomorrow, so I'll be going back to Thief 3. :P

How is the Thief 3 editor, not used it yet. I did some editing with DromEd on Thief 1 and 2, though it's not the easiest program to use, I could at least get my head round it, which is more than can be said for most editors.

Theif 3 deadly shadows

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 12:00 am
by AK
I loved Thief and Thief-2. I need to pick up #3 it seems, right after I upgrade this system.

At one point in... I think Thief-2, I was creeping around with my bow out, and I stuck my head around a corner, saw a humanoid shape, and said:
"Ah finally, I get to deal with humans again!"

It turned around.
"Aw. Damn it."

Theif 3 deadly shadows

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 12:55 am
by Lars
Thief 1&2 are my favorites :) Thief3 seems to life only from the grafic?s. The maps are just to small. Well ok i only played yet till the 5th level or so ... Well I hope that thief 4 will have bigger missions ... anyone ever tried system shock 2? Is this any good? To bad that Lookingglas has gone down the road :(

Theif 3 deadly shadows

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 1:09 am
by Berry_Racer
Yeah thief 2 is my favourite, i never got to try thief 1. I like the third because it has third person and as with hidden and dangerous i love 3rd person... do you guys play thief 3 and hidden and dangerous in 3rd or 1st person?

Theif 3 deadly shadows

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 1:31 am
by Lars
Well I played most of the time both games in 3rd person but shooting in hd2 in 1st person .. because most of the time I turn off the croshair

Theif 3 deadly shadows

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 10:56 am
by BadBreath
[quote=""Lars""]Thief 1&2 are my favorites :) Thief3 seems to life only from the grafic?s. The maps are just to small. Well ok i only played yet till the 5th level or so ... Well I hope that thief 4 will have bigger missions ... anyone ever tried system shock 2? Is this any good? To bad that Lookingglas has gone down the road :([/quote]

System Shock 2 was great, lots of creapy atmosphere. There is 'similar'game in the making, bioshock I think it will be called.

And speaking of creapy moments, there is a level in the latest Vampire title that is awesome. All through that level I had chills running down my spine!


Theif 3 deadly shadows

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 11:14 am
by Berry_Racer
[quote=""BadBreath""]And speaking of creapy moments, there is a level in the latest Vampire title that is awesome. All through that level I had chills running down my spine!

Were you meaning vampire the masquerade:Bloodlines thats another great game :D but full of bugs :evil:

Theif 3 deadly shadows

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 12:02 pm
by BadBreath
Were you meaning vampire the masquerade:Bloodlines thats another great game :D but full of bugs :evil:[/quote]

Yup, that is the one I meant. The level I was talking about was the ocean view hotel or something.

I didn't encounter any bugs at all I believe. At least none that I remember.

The only thing I didn't like about that game was the fighting style, that was to 'console-like' for me.


Theif 3 deadly shadows

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 8:04 pm
by Daniel
Got thief gold + thief 2. I might get thief 3 but seems not as good though might still be fun? Deus Ex 1 is good too. There is no way I am getting DE2 thougfh, quite crap from the style of the demo + what I have een told.

Theif 3 deadly shadows

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 8:09 pm
by Daniel
[quote=""Lars""]Well I played most of the time both games in 3rd person[/quote] boo, hiss! heheh

btw, T3 dont have a problem with ati cards - it was just with older drivers the shadows could sometimes go all flickery - that is fixed in the latest on anyway. Do you all know about the difficulty bug patch thing? Also apparently if you lean against walls nobody can kill you or anything, although this hasn't been fixed in a patch :(

Theif 3 deadly shadows

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 9:50 pm
by Lars
Hehe :twisted:
Well as I remember there was only one patch fixing the difficulty bug :( Myself had some problems with the quicksave. Sometimes it works sometimes not

Theif 3 deadly shadows

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 10:48 pm
by Drozdov
I did wonder about the wall thing, I've noticed that if you're pressed up against a wall nobody sees you, even if they go close enough to feel your breath on their face.

I never play Thief in 3rd person, it's much better in 1st. I only ever swith to 3rd person when pressed against walls, or if I'm just pissing about.

Theif 3 deadly shadows

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 3:35 am
by Berry_Racer
[quote=""Drozdov""]I never play Thief in 3rd person, it's much better in 1st. I only ever swith to 3rd person when pressed against walls, or if I'm just pissing about.[/quote]

I like 3rd person in thief cause i love watching the different lighting move across me. 8)

Theif 3 deadly shadows

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 2:38 pm
by Lars
Nearly anytime when i?m at at a wall hiding.. or better trying to hide.. and i?m even in the shadows the civi?s talks to me that even an blind could see me...
Oh another thing witch i don?t like at thief3 is that the civi?s are respawning after some time :( I loved to empty a hole town in thief2 but it seems that this is impossible in thief3