Rapid Fire "shotgun" enemies bug C3M5

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Rapid Fire "shotgun" enemies bug C3M5

Unread post by Daniel » Sun Mar 13, 2016 6:11 pm

I get this but on the road to Peenemünde mission. The enemies fire off their whole mp40 clip in one shot, it looks almost like a shotgun burst.

I imagine it's the same issue as this: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=1016

It happens on both the deluxe and original versions. In fact i would rather play the original 1.3 version as it's better.

I posted about it here but no one seems to know - for more info, please read that topic:


In fact, i've had this problem for years but never managed to solve it.

The thing that makes me curious is people on youtube don't seem to have the issue, and i find it hard to believe they are using ancient pcs and windows 98.

See here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frgg2pTDa3s

So, any ideas?
It's really annoying cos it ruins the game and i've never got around to completing it because of that.

Would windows 98 even help or is it a processor issue? i tried using a frame rate limiter and that didn't help. I tried using a CPU throttler but that also didn't help. My OS is XP and my processor is only single core so it can't be that. Maybe different CPU throttlers are better. I really have no idea.

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Re: Rapid Fire "shotgun" enemies bug C3M5

Unread post by NilsZ » Tue Mar 22, 2016 7:21 am

I also experienced this bug on hard difficulty and in editor. (also in any mission)
When you are using the editor and give an enemy reaction above 100% they can also fire their magazines in 0,5 sec.
I think it is a bug in the code, when the reaction is to high it can't calculate the right shooting rate.
Try to play this mission on easy and tell me if it still happens.

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Re: Rapid Fire "shotgun" enemies bug C3M5

Unread post by Daniel » Thu Mar 24, 2016 1:17 am

Oh wow thanks, that partially solves it!

I have tested both h&d 1.3 and deluxe on XP.
Playing them on medium or easy stops the "shotgun" effect in that level.

However they still fire really quite fast in the original H&D 1.3, although i guess this could be due to my hardware being too fast and also using XP instead of 98.
It seems to fix it properly in Deluxe though.

BTW, do you know of an easy way to unlock all levels to test things? I could only find Jason's saves for h&d 1.3 on this site, nothing for deluxe. I found this for deluxe: http://www.nicouzouf.com/en/?id=hiddena ... rousdeluxe
but it was only a "medium" difficulty save game. So for easy mode testing, i had to use the "iwantcheat" and "skipmission" cheats for every level until i got to the correct one (which is kind of annoying haha).

Also, what difference does each level of difficulty make - what is the difference between easy, medium and hard?

Is there any way to patch the game / save file / level to make it work properly in hard mode, so that the enemy reaction setting doesn't go above 100% ?

You say that you get the problem on any mission? Can you explain, so that i can test too?
Do you mean any standard game mission? Or just those created from the editor?

Looking at the editor (though i don't really know how to use it), are you saying that it is soldiers with a reaction% stat of 100 that cause the issue? (as opposed to their "character section" normal reaction stat - all normal stats of everyone seem set to 75 in that character section).
In terms of the other "ai section" stats, i guess shoot quality % affects the spread of the shots. Min shoot distance i guess is the nearest they will try and shoot, useful for people with panzerfausts or tanks - although i see snipers set to 250 for that O_O
Watch distance i guess is how far they can see you - but then what does it mean if it is set to 0 ? that they will have infinite sight and can see you from across the whole map? Or what?

I guess even if the AI in that mission can be edited, that is only for h&d deluxe, but not the original game?


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Re: Rapid Fire "shotgun" enemies bug C3M5

Unread post by NilsZ » Mon Apr 25, 2016 8:10 pm

>hardware being too fast
i think also it belongs to that

>BTW, do you know of an easy way to unlock all levels to test things?
I would try the Savegame editor

>Also, what difference does each level of difficulty make - what is the difference between easy, medium and hard?
i don't know it exactly, but i think its like this: easy - default AI stats, medium +25 percentage points on enemy AI stats, hard +50 percentage points on enemy AI stats.

>Is there any way to patch the game / save file / level to make it work properly in hard mode, so that the enemy reaction setting doesn't go above 100% ?
unluckily not :(
/* stupid solution: you can buy an pentium 3 computer and play HD on it :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: */

>You say that you get the problem on any mission? Can you explain, so that i can test too?
>Do you mean any standard game mission? Or just those created from the editor?
Just go in editor and give an enemy Actor (AI section) for example 999999% reaction. This reproduces the bug for sure.
The character section is not used for the enemy AI. (except Strength, yes they can pick up weapons)

>Watch distance i guess is how far they can see you - but then what does it mean if it is set to 0 ? that they will have infinite sight and can see you from across the whole map? Or what?
if you put 0 it will use the scene default AI stats, if they are also on 0 it will load the game default stats.
I couldn't never recognize a difference between watch distance and min shoot distance, i think its the same.

Edit: also i spoke with Grenni about that bug some years ago. He told that when he copied his missions on his laptop, the enemies got that bug. But after he made new scene.bin files (that means he created the whole mission again) the bug was not present any more. So its more or less a bad engine code :(

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Re: Rapid Fire "shotgun" enemies bug C3M5

Unread post by Wesley » Sun Nov 13, 2016 8:50 am

I've only ever used it on XP...I don't recall this. Of course I stay away from hard ;)

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Re: Rapid Fire "shotgun" enemies bug C3M5

Unread post by RenatoEl » Wed May 31, 2017 1:20 pm

Wesleey wrote:
Sun Nov 13, 2016 8:50 am
I've only ever used it on XP...I don't recall this. Of course I stay away from hard ;)
This bug still happens. Is anyone else still seeing it?
Last edited by RenatoEl on Tue Oct 26, 2021 9:28 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Rapid Fire "shotgun" enemies bug C3M5

Unread post by Myron » Thu Sep 14, 2017 7:27 pm

Actually, it's not a bug. It's key to a harder AI enemy in H&D.

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