so ....... here is a list of problems

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so ....... here is a list of problems

Unread post by mr.47 » Tue Apr 06, 2021 4:05 pm

there is a problems i need to understand . and it's about HDD

1.when i make a level and i start it in HDD or editor the soldiers fall into the grounds so what is the problem ?

2.i cant add some weapons into the game editor or the add-on table or in the game levels that even the existing game weapons so how to ? ( yes i know the Winrar thingy and unpack and pack stuff as well as saving things so) some mods or even stuff the uniform that i pick off the ground turns to weapons (even in cheats ) so how to stop that ? to add a weapon in the table ? (i have the models and sounds but i never manged to add them ) some errors happen when i pick 2 or 3 or 4 soldiers and activate some of the new AI features and that only occurs when one of my soldiers or the enemy do a specific action (Hunt-Cover) or get hit

6.any add-on i had never works for any mod and makes me fall of the ground for mo reasons same as number #1 problem ? to set an explosion damage And how to change the table of soldiers like in Bertgold (adding or removing soldiers) or changing stats without any programs ? to animate an animation or a cut'scene ? to set or make a vehicle ?

that's all of my complains and sorry for any delay or non activity my internet had an issue so....thanks for reading or helping

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Re: so ....... here is a list of problems

Unread post by NilsZ » Sat Apr 10, 2021 9:00 pm

hi mate,

its nice that you come in touch with hd editor and the rest of the game material.

1. The game couldn't load all models and textures

2. Take editor press "file->edit table" there you can select all tables from the game. You can save them, but you have to replace the files in data.dta if you want to have them permanent in your game.

3. this addons seem to have other inventroy settings

4. choose a free slot an put all parameters in the fields. Look existing weapons for examples.

5. The new features are not all stable yet.

6. Most addons are for the vanilla game, not for mods. They require other models and settings, thats why you fall to through the gound.

7. Only using HD Editor.

8. With 3ds max or another 3ds compatible program (blender, cinema 4d, etc.)

9. Select something in editor and press A

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Re: so ....... here is a list of problems

Unread post by mr.47 » Mon Apr 19, 2021 9:18 pm

sorry to answer late mate but here is another question

why your add-ons that are approved in your mod are actually the one that some of them fall of the ground into the void and how to fix ........?

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Re: so ....... here is a list of problems

Unread post by NilsZ » Tue Apr 20, 2021 7:13 pm

You are right. I updated some default models and didn't update the addons. I am already working on a new version, but i haven't removed the old one from download portal yet.

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Re: so ....... here is a list of problems

Unread post by mr.47 » Tue Apr 20, 2021 10:27 pm

ok thanks for your help now i'm going to fix stuff also one more question

when i set the root files and data stuff to the editor like :missions-models-sounds
the actual game doesn't start up for some reason.?

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Re: so ....... here is a list of problems

Unread post by NilsZ » Fri Apr 23, 2021 6:58 am

the archives have to stay in data folder. For usage of editor you need only to extract all archives to the root directory.

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