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Tactics, map and more

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 8:49 am
by Alexander
i really hate those dogs... makes me jump .... always looking down my garand scope when i all of a sudden see a drooling open dogs mouth!

Tactics, map and more

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 4:02 pm
by new guy
is it just me or can the dogs take like 3 garand shots without dying? Theyre scary!

Tactics, map and more

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 8:43 am
by Grenni
Didn't you know, they are all called Cujo ;) :lol:

Tactics, map and more

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 9:27 am
by Alexander
i think one survived like 4 bren shot from me :S
but as were talking about dogs let me tell u a funny story!
i was playing artic1 on single player, when i had walked across the swamp with sygurd, i allowed my brother to play a little... so he looks down the scope of MY springfield my brother shoots the man with the broom, and the dog a few yard away runs off... and out of our minds
anywho some 2minutes later i hear a *bark* and my brother (still in scopemode) looks to the right.... suddenly all we see is red... and some white dots called teeth's LOL! my brother almost jumps out of MY chair but by some reason he accidently hit the fire button and kills the dog one shot! the dog never got the chance to bite him....
ive never seen so much luck in this game.... :roll:

hehe not anything to do with the topic but... was pretty funny to watch!