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Tanks in Multiplayer objectives

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 6:16 pm
by da fish
Sorry but i need a little rant;
The map in which I'm thinking of primarily is Normandy 3 (or which ever objective map the bridge is), but also applys for other maps as well.....

The tank is a important peice of equipment, but it isnt invincible. It should be used as it was designed for originally...(in real life).... A mobile firebase. With out infantry support a tank will find itself out flanked, over run, and eventually dead. When you get in a tank, dont just drive off on your own, guns [not] blazing. You arent invincible and when you get blown up you will have wasted a valuable resource to your teams side.

Having said that for all you infantry, a tank is a asset worth supporting, pay some attention to it and protect it from the crazy enemies with sticky bombs and the slightly more sensible ones with the rocket propelled explosive option. A well placed tank can bring a important amount of fire down on the enemy, an infantry man should do enough to protect it. That said the allies have a slightly under powered tank in comparison to the germans, both against the Panzer and we all know it isnt a fair comparison against the Tiger.

Tanks in Multiplayer objectives

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 8:16 pm
by -ViTaMiHnM203-
Well, I dont know where you play...

But, thats how it usually is when I play, we support our tank...

And your describing an occupation map...

Mobile firebase? Mobile Art piece you mean...

Tanks in Multiplayer objectives

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 3:38 am
by Drozdov
Mobile art piece? :?

You're right about the lack of support for tanks, especially in Normandy 3. It's very, very, easy to destroy an enemy tank if it has no infantry supporting it, but that's sometimes because the tank has gone forward too quickly. You do have to remember that it's actually quite difficult to stop an enemy destroying the tank, whether it's with a rocket launcher or a sticky bomb. In Normandy 3, if I see an enemy tank, I'll get my panzerfaust/bazooka out, jump over the wall, run up behind it and shoot it in the back. I'm exposing myself to all of the other enemies behind the tank, but I know I'll be able to fire my launcher before they can kill me, because in H&D MP it's not easy to kill a moving target in a short space of time, mostly due to lag and the fact that the guns generally don't kill in one hit. Of course, there's a good chance I'll get killed after I've fired my rocket, but I've already achieved my objective and my team's not in danger any more. These (almost) suicidal tank charges are even more difficult to stop if a sticky bomb is used - you can just sprint out, whack the bomb on without stopping, then run back again, or just charge right past and take cover on the other side. Virtually impossible to shoot someone who knows what they're doing before they can place a bomb, even if there are lots of infantry supporting the tank.

My favoured use of the tank is as a firing base, I prefer to keep it back at your team's flag and use it to shoot at the other team as they spawn, allowing your infantry teammates an advantage as they go for the flag. If the tank is withdrawn, it's difficult for the infantry to kill since they can only fire rockets at its front, although fortunately you can go underneath the bridge and get behind it that way. Unfortunately, since SS you can destroy tanks with grenades, so this tactic is a bit less effective as enemies just spam you with grenades when they spawn - not such a problem for the Germans, their tank is more grenade-resistant.

On Normandy 3 the tank is always vulnerable if it moves forward, generally it's most successful when the infantry move forward down the sides of the bridge first and deal with the enemy infantry, and the tank goes for the flag down the middle. So long as the tank's allies are shooting the enemies spawning on the side of the bridge, it's difficult for them to destroy the tank before the flag is taken. That's probably the best way of using the tank - sit at your flag, and move forward once your team has the initiative.

Tanks in Multiplayer objectives

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 3:42 am
by -ViTaMiHnM203-
Do you know what a fire base is?

If you are supporting the tank correctly you wont have a problem with AT guys...

Tanks in Multiplayer objectives

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 3:55 am
by Drozdov
If you are supporting the tank correctly you wont have a problem with AT guys...
Hehe, in theory, yes. Just you try it out in H&D. Set up a scenario - tank in the middle of the bridge guy with AT weapon at the side of the bridge. You can have any number of people trying to stop that man blowing the tank up, but I'd wager that more often than not he'd still succeed.

A fire base is a base that's on fire, clearly. Like tanks in Normandy 3 generally are.

Tanks in Multiplayer objectives

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:04 am
by -ViTaMiHnM203-
No not in theory, done...

This AT guy wouldnt get there if you are supporting correctly...

Firebase, has more then one arty piece...

Tank, acts as a single piece...

Tanks in Multiplayer objectives

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 2:50 pm
by Drozdov
I said firing base by the way, not firebase. But thanks for informing us anyway...

I do those AT runs all the time, it doesn't matter how well covered the tank is, 9 times out of 10 I will blow it up before I get shot. Of course, if there are enemies all over the spawn point and I spawn in a bad position, it's not so easy, but if I just ignore the soldiers and run past them, with the way H&D MP works there's a good chance of surviving long enough to fire my faust/bazooka.

Tanks in Multiplayer objectives

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 7:12 pm
by -ViTaMiHnM203-
Firing base is anuther term for "firebase"...

What you are describing is how not to cover a tank...

I said if you do it correctly, you wont get through...

If you get through, it must not be correctly...

Tanks in Multiplayer objectives

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 7:58 pm
by Drozdov
What's the 'correct' way then?

Tanks in Multiplayer objectives

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 10:17 pm
by -ViTaMiHnM203-
Diversity in position...

Advanced and rear position...

Im not trying to teach you, just correct what was said...

Tanks in Multiplayer objectives

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 10:50 pm
by Drozdov
Pff, you and your particularism over military terminology used outside of military situations. no_02

Tanks in Multiplayer objectives

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 1:26 am
by -ViTaMiHnM203-
Im not sure I understand "what you said" has to do with what I said... 8)

Tanks in Multiplayer objectives

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 4:54 am
by Drozdov
Woops, I typed technology instead of terminology. Make sense now?

Tanks in Multiplayer objectives

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 8:54 am
by -ViTaMiHnM203-
Yes, but what are you directing at?

Tanks in Multiplayer objectives

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 8:03 pm
by Drozdov
Im not trying to teach you, just correct what was said...
That, I assumed you were referring to my use of the term 'firing base' which you took exception to.