Game Engine Dreaming

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(UGF} Corporal Desola
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Game Engine Dreaming

Unread post by (UGF} Corporal Desola » Wed Feb 25, 2009 4:01 am

I thought, since I started bickering about how LS3D is so awkward to work with I thought I'd write up what I think an Game Engine should really have.

  - Fast code, so it can run on an variety of old machines (how many people hate upgrading just to buy an PC game.)
  - Pixel-quality texture rendering, so the textures are drawn sharply and not blurred (what the H&D series uses).
  - JavaScript as an scripting language, so its atleast easy to mod, and has an complete and understandable scripting language.
  - HTML used to outlay menu design and in-game interfaces, again, easy to mod and understandable.
  - Caching, the truth of the matter is, that all JavaScript scripts and HTML will probably have to be translated on the go into REAL machine code for execution by the CPU and saved to an file, like unused textures, to save REAL memory space, then loaded from the file into an location in memory that is CALLED to from the program.

The biggest parts I'm have trouble with, are 1, physics (fast collision detection), 2, the machine code for Dynamic Linkage, and 3, avoiding DirectDraw surfaces.

Ofcourse if anyone else would like to add an wish list themselves here, go FOR IT!
Watch my personal text, it reveals how many days or how many kilobytes of code may pass before I'm seen on the forum and what I'm doing on those days; It's being as Zoolander would say "InFourMaTave in a small small way".

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Re: Game Engine Dreaming

Unread post by Jason » Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:58 pm

... all the above that comes with a real world editor, like Red Faction but with Red Faction 3's destruction abilities :mrgreen:
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(UGF} Corporal Desola
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Game Engines and Game Editors

Unread post by (UGF} Corporal Desola » Thu Feb 26, 2009 1:29 pm

Actually, even I reqard the Game Editor as an external part and not part of the Game Engine, this seems to also become the case since, id Software made gRadiant the official unsupported editor of the id Tech-engine series.

The Game Engine is more the framework for which the Game and Game Editor are layered on top of. If I ever developed an engine worthy of an editor, I would make one, thus doing what id Software have done and not following the path of ZootFly (XUBL) and the creators of LS3D and leave it up to the creators of the games to build an stand-alone editor for thier [the Game Engine creator's] engine!
Watch my personal text, it reveals how many days or how many kilobytes of code may pass before I'm seen on the forum and what I'm doing on those days; It's being as Zoolander would say "InFourMaTave in a small small way".

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Re: Game Engine Dreaming

Unread post by Jason » Thu Feb 26, 2009 2:22 pm

Actually, even I reqard the Game Editor as an external part and not part of the Game Engine
Yeah so do I, I know what you mean (I knew you'd say that haha). I'm not sure if I would like to be a hardcore programmer... I don't like maths that much and programming a game engine doesn't seem as fun as modelling, creating maps and scripting missions grin01

There are a few free / open source engines out there you could start with... build up from their base.
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