Is this place dead?

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Is this place dead?

Unread post by Zunami » Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:04 am

Alright, let's start with some history!

As a 10 year old, back in (being the youngster I am) 2002 got access to a computer, having friends who also had access to computers, I naturally started playing games. We couldn't really afford games back then, however, and our internet sucked so bad that MP was impossible. My friend, however, had a dad who worked as an IT supporter, and had serious hardware at home, and an internet connection that didn't fail constantly, and my friend soon developed a talent for finding, less legal ways, of obtaining software. Games were seriously expensive in my country back then, and our demand for games could not be met with the funds we had, so that was unfortunate, but seriously, we were like 10 years old, so I'm not really in any way ashamed. I think it's pretty admirable that we found a way to get our entertainment despite poor economics.

Thus, my first version of H&D2 was a pirated and cracked version that I enjoyed playing very much. Of course, as I eventually found a used version of the game, I had to buy it! I wanted the original game, hating not owning the game that I liked so much, and generally not being a fan of pirated software.
I never played MUCH computer myself, HD2 was a game I could never let go however, and one of my friends one day came over and showed me something he had bought! It was the sabre squadron expansion pack. He didn't have the original game though, so we checked on the net, and we couldn't find the expansion pack which was used, anywhere, nor would we find the original game anywhere. So that sucked, but the solution was simple, we just installed both on both of our computers and cracked that shit. And due to the poor protection on the game, we were able to play together via lan!
It was glorious! But as time went past, new games came along, and I was the only one still clinging to HD2 as my favorite tactical shooter. My computer burned out at some point (poor old machine from 2002... Lasted over 5 years with a few parts exchanged).
So again, I was stuck with the original game only... That sucked, but to be honest, I didn't have time for computers anyway in that whole period of my life, when elite sports became my focus, and I went to, my country's equivalent of American "High-school" (only academically on a higher level, due to a big difference in our general school systems), so I didn't miss it much!

Then, I broke my sternum (center rib) one summer during MMA practice when a friend and I who were sparring tumbled into a bench which initially hurt my ribs. It didn't get better when I ignored it, and played rugby and went to my regular training sessions and it resulted in me having to leave the national team to recover (I was into martial arts by then, not MMA though, I just did that for fun). I suddenly had loads of time on my hands, and I had my friend (mentioned before) rig a computer together from scrap parts for me. So naturally, I reinstalled HD2 and spent some time playing that... What other came would i want to play? Naturally I learned that several other cool games somewhat like HD2 had come out, such as ARMA and operation flashpoint, but I wanted my goddamn sabre squadron back!!!

So, in 2011 I finally pulled my head out of my arse and decided to look it up on ebay (of course, by then my friend had already installed a pirated version on my PC, but I wanted the real thing! I wanted to hold it in my hand and inhale that weird plastic smell of new game!), and sure enough, I found this dude in England who sold them cheaply, new copies, only opened to test them before shipping. So finally, I am in possession of the game, and then of course, I entirely lose my interest in computers for a looooong while as I started returning to sports.

But now, as a result of playing operation flash point MP with friends, I've grown a taste for co-op multiplayer... So now I'm here looking for people to game with... I sure as hell don't hope you people intend to tell me you've closed up shop?!
I've waited 10 years for this! TEN! :p

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Re: Is this place dead?

Unread post by Jason » Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:41 am

Welcome back,

Of course this place is not dead, so, you want some people to play H&D2 SS Co-op with or the original H&D?

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Re: Is this place dead?

Unread post by Zunami » Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:43 am

I finally, finally, finally have original versions of both! So that would be SS :)

And I'm so glad this place isn't dead! It's like... The last place on earth to look for people who plays this game.

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Re: Is this place dead?

Unread post by Wesley » Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:22 pm

I have H&D2....still working on SS :lol:

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