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Making a texture library for H&D Textures

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 6:07 pm
by Bighouse
A texture library dedicated to hidden & dangerous textures is very good to have. If you have all the required textures in one place, you can easily attach the same textures to several separate scenes.

This is how you can make one.

1. Open 3D Max and import some scene from H&D in to it (preferably some scene that has textures you want to have.
2. Click Tools --> Material/Map Browser.
3. Click Tools --> Material Editor.
4. From the Material Browser, drag the textures you want to have to an empty spot in the Material Editor.
5. Once you have filled the Mat.Editor, go back to Mat.Browser. Select Mtl Editor in "Browse from". Then click "save as" and save your library.
6. Now that you have a library, you can add new items in it just by opening the library in Mat.Browser. You must put the texture in the Mat.Editor and you can add the texture to the library by selecting it and then by clicking the "Put to library" button. Its right above the material name.

I hope I made sense. Please ask if you want to know more.

Making a texture library for H&D Textures

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 4:40 am
by Jason
Wow, this post came out of no where :shock: I didn't notice it before. I knew you wrote the samething at E&D but woot!

I will test this out and let you know if I have any questions :)

BTW Bighouse, what do you mean you have no more time, what about the campaign! how much further did you get?

Making a texture library for H&D Textures

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 11:19 am
by Bighouse
At first my editor had no more time to edit. Then, I got a daughter and my time for editing came very limited.

So that is what I mean with no more time.

I've made the terrain for 3 first missions and the editing is done for first. Second mission has been edited, but the mission has not been generated yet. No editing for mission3 has been done.

As I have said before, if someone has time and dedication to put into this, that person can have the data. I still have lots of interest doing editing, but currently i dedicate the little amount of free-time that I have to my family.

Making a texture library for H&D Textures

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 2:09 pm
by unclevadim2
Show (send) a picture of your landscapes.

Making a texture library for H&D Textures

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 9:06 pm
by Bighouse
well here is some of the (very) early screenshots that I've posted before.








I try to manage to take some more...

Mission1 is fully playable (thanks to Lars)

Making a texture library for H&D Textures

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 9:32 pm
by Bighouse
Hey, I managed to take some more screenshots. This is how it looks like today.

Mission 1




Mission 2




and the Mission 3




Making a texture library for H&D Textures

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:17 am
by unclevadim2
It turns out that I saw 1 card{map} at myself in 3dmax for a long time.
Did{Made} sectors {SECT} in a cellar of the destroyed tower.
But it seems is lost.
Probably 2 card{map} where the big plateau. It is a lot of ranges.
It is bad for Insanity2.
Well as a whole looks well.
I think interested persons will be. :D

P.S To replace only structures(textures) from HDDeluxe. (This my opinion)

Making a texture library for H&D Textures

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 10:17 am
by Jason
Cool as Bighouse :D, it looks a lot more complete compared to the old pictures :wink:

Do you have a strong development plan or are you just going off a few ideas on a scrap piece of paper and just winging the rest? Planning helps with the speed of development and focus. Yah feel like your achieving more when you really hit goals.

Making a texture library for H&D Textures

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 1:52 pm
by Bighouse
First of all, I haven't done anything for this since last spring.
I have used HDDeluxe textures when it has been possible, but when creating totally new things, it usually isn't. I have tried to keep the new texture sizes as low as possible due to performance issues.

In mission2 the distances are quite long, but mission3 is not any shorter. If I would have continued mission3 I propably would have replaced the mountain textures with the ones already in HDD.

The structure of the missions were written down quite strictly, but the scenes were intentionally left quite open. When starting a new mission, we drew the basic terrain to paper but more detailed things were left to the imagination of me and my editor.
Hard part of designing the scenes is that we did not want to make artificial (stupid) restrictions to the scenery. We always tried to make it as natural as possible. Bad thing is that it usually leads to big scenerys. Good thing is that it feels more real and you can make totally new missions for the same scenery