A little WIP mod

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Capt. Stirling
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A little WIP mod

Unread post by Capt. Stirling » Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:28 am

Just dropping a line to say that I'm looking to finish a project I've tabled for some time for H&D2 & SS singleplayer. None of the maps have any serious changes. Rather, I've decided to create a fictional unit to join the vastly complex British intelligence bureaucracy and myriad of special forces groups that sprang forth during the period. It includes Jamez skin mod updates (I'm still working on how to mod them myself with the bmp files), new profiles and characters from the roster of thirty (including multiplayer faces), a sound mod, new briefings, and some familiar music from various Commando and 50s & 60s war films which inspired H&D - plus original H&D music themes and queues.

For the new soldiers, I've created new names, stats, and bios through the Hex Editor and texty respectively. I'm still trying to play with the weapons and items of cut scene characters. There is also a bit of narrative in some of the missions (campaigns) where they loosely connect rather than the completely isolated approach they previous had. I enjoy both methods but I thought I would have a go at a thread for this. New war diary entries and mission and level descriptions are included. Some elements of historical accuracy are more adhered to such as locations of units, times, and places. Or with weaponry and equipment like the use of the DeLisle in 1942 when the first prototypes were completed for the later 1943 production run of 150 by the Sterling Arms company, etc. Many areas of authentic are simply out of my control for my limited editing skills for the core game. But I've done things to hopefully give a more plausible scenario for one's willing suspension of disbelief. For the new mission briefings, I've written scripts that I plan to record in at a studio trying my hand at the narration and editing it to the sequences. I hope you enjoy it.

In short, it doesn't completely transform the game's core mechanics. Rather it seeks to build a world off of the one the Illusion team created for us back in '03. Most of us wish a third installment would be made but this modding has satisfied me for the time being. The latest Sniper Elite in N. Africa was as much fun as I've had since H&D2 so I hope if not a third game, a new approach to the concept set in the war would be tried.

Stay hidden and be dangerous smile01

PS thanks Jason for keeping the site going and Vit for advice on the editing side of things.

Posts: 101
Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2014 11:44 am

Re: A little WIP mod

Unread post by Stern » Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:37 pm

Nice to see that there are still some modders.
Anyway one question is that did you made changes to files Gamedata00.gdt and Gamedata01.gdt ?
I ask because i was not able to add or remove objectives to any singleplayer mission.
Over a year ago I converted some modded coop maps to singleplayer but all objectives remained original and missions had wrong objectives.
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