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Enemy Territory

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 4:03 pm
by Daniel
I just started playing enemy territory and is it really as crap as I am finding so far? Or is it just cos I don't know the maps?

You have to hold the button to crouch and movement is rediculous etc. It all seems run and gun, which means even though I am covert ops, it isn't much use as everything is all too fast to be stealthy.

Is it just cos I don't know anything about the game or is it cos it's crap? Basiucally, should I bother trying to learn the game or is it not worth bothering with? ATM I am thinking it isn't worth bnothering with?

Enemy Territory

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 5:04 pm
by -ViTaMiHnM203-
Thats RTCW? I think alittle of both....

Sounds like you have never played an FPS before....

You should be able to turn of the hold crouch. Sum people like it like that.

If its true that you have never played an FPS, I suggest you learn how if you plan on playing anything else. :)

Enemy Territory

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:08 pm
by Drozdov
Enemy Territory is slightly different from RTCW. ET is a free multiplayer standalone game, as well as an expansion to RTCW.

Enemy Terrtory is pretty crap I'd say. It's not meant to be realistic, and it certainly isn't. Not my type of game, nor yours by the sound of it.

Enemy Territory

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 8:41 am
by Oldih
ET is not meant to be realistic.

ET is overall nice but there are some annoying issues etc (like if youre a medic, get all skills full and you are nearly unstoppable), but still I like original RTCW MP more, that is one of a great game.

So basically ET is worht of try cause it is free, but still it lacks it what RTCW gave originally.

Enemy Territory

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 10:31 am
by Daniel
Well I don't know how to toggle crouch a key and when I asked on server I just got ignored. Also I am sure there are more controls you can somehow bind? And also whenever I join a server it has to download about 10 million things and takes ages so it's rediculous and annoying. And these things aqren't maps, they are other weird things. What things should I download before trying to play or something :S

Enemy Territory

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 12:49 pm
by Oldih
Well there isnt actually toggle crouch key in ET, only crouch that if you keep it down then you are in crouch.

Well nowdays most servers run mods, like ETPro, ShrubET etc.

You dont need to DL Shrub since its server side only.

Enemy Territory

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:39 pm
by blake
This game is great, it now has loads of custom maps and ETpro and etpub has enhanced the game.

I'm a server admin for the Bhoys server, if you have ET give our server a go.