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Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 2:37 pm
by Daniel
Too dark :D

Does anyone know a good way to adjust my monitor so that I can get a good brightness level, but not so that it is overly brith (as that would be cheating). About what brightness should it be?

Is there a good way to judge it?

Otherwise, it makes this level quite annoying you see as they shoot at me when I am crawling with my sniper and I can't see them cos it's too dark, yet they, obviously can see me :( However I fear if I adjust it then I will make it too bright and kind of cheat.

BTW, around how long 'till D2? heheh *prod* - the same face for every soldier is already starting to annoy me again ;)


Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 2:50 pm
by Jason
Adjust the colour until the sky seems to be slightly blue, it should be a dark level any way but just enough for you too see, most of the time you'll only make out an outline of the guys using a scoped rifle :wink:


Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 3:16 pm
by Daniel
Cheers - I'll try

Is there a screenshot button? I'll try an adjust it using that and post here maybe if I still can't do it :D


Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 3:20 pm
by Deepakh Yes
....have a look at it....follow the 'PROCEDURE'....u surly will be able to see much better... thup01


Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 4:14 pm
by Daniel
[quote=""Deepakh Yes""]
....have a look at it....follow the 'PROCEDURE'....u surly will be able to see much better... thup01[/quote]

I already did, and drew the blinds :D

I have a feeling now I may have increased the brightness too much :-/ It is really too hard to tell what is right :D

If I knew how to take pics I could show you but I don't , so :-/


Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 4:22 pm
by Jason
F10 or F11 :lol:

It will say when you have taken a screenshot :wink:

I am sure it is F11 8)


Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 10:11 pm
by Daniel
it's f11, yes. f10 loads game.

screenshots dont appear to have the brightness I set though, oh well.

So, (taking the brightness from the interface), should the interface be a faded type grey or a bold grey - which? and how dark blue abouts should the sky be. (Basically I am stuck between 2 different brightnesses atm)

Cheers, Daniel


Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 6:38 am
by Deepakh Yes
.....then may be u should check with the previous mission.....its day time and also u would know how it looked when u played the other day....Good luck :D
And also let us know when ur through thup01


Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 9:39 am
by Daniel
Hmm well I am half not wanting to play, as all the faces are the same and it looks silly (particularly that of the civilian in C1M2 - he has the face of one of your SAS men :D). So I am waiting for Deluxe 2 kind of.

To pass the time I am working through the H&D2 demo on the hardest (war is hell) mode. I feel it is best to play on the hardest level from the start. This is because if you have already completed it on a easy level, you know basically what to expect in terms of level design and what to do etc. If you simply start on hard there is more opportunity to be suprised :)

It seems in H&D2 it is still best to go it alone with one man as the AI is still not too good but it is probably better, just not that good at being stealthy - for example, I told them to follow silently, so they all crawled out the ruined building. Then I said find cover - so they all got up and moved around stupidly and got shot and alerted the enemy :( I expected them to crawl to cover.

It would be interesting to play co-op but it seems no one plays it nowadays. Also, I would need help sorting out my router for it too.

Cheers, Daniel


Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:21 am
by cake213
Couldnt agree less. Totally off the chart. You can PM if you want, I will try to explain better...


Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 12:45 pm
by Oldih
I did not have problems with the darkness, atleast gave good reason to eat carrots and spam maps for possible sightings of enemies ;)

But if you have problems seeing the enemy, I suggest you use that 3d Map, and use it often. It shows all enemies in your LOS.

This is rather hard to explain or to give some walkthrough. Myself I clear the road MG near the start and secure it, then I take out that AA gun near it, and use the railtrack area to sneak and to kill enemies if needed (I once stabbed half of the enemies around there til I got caught). Also, clear all AA guns you can find.

Then, just go far right, so that top MG near that station can?t aim to you. Then you just need to rush quickly in and kill every enemies, make sure someone is watching the entrance so the enemies outside cannot shoot to your backs.

After that, blow that power plant, or what it was? Long time since I played it :P

Then, make sure your every man, expect one, is near that road MG what you captured. Then set up around 30s - 1min fuse to TNT, get your last man there, secure a truck, wait for the bombardment.

When bobardment is done, drive the truck back where you started. You find a welcome ceremony in there but just drive over them and that?s done.

So, in simple, secure that truck area and eliminate that MG42 nest. Then, eliminate AA gun near right, and use the far right path to take the rest. Then, eliminate all threats around the railways and proceed from far right into the station. Secure the station, the MG tower, set up charges, wait for the show to begin, wait it to end, get a truck and drive to the start, also over the Germans which are not pleased what you just done.

This takes about 20 - 50mins with couple of saves when you get the idea.

And for note, H&D Deluxe is old so you can expect some similiar graphics, faces etc all the time :P

And for H&D2 co-op, well public co-op game will not work, but myself, I usually play with 2-3 friends and try to use some tactical approaches etc. Gives more fun out of it.