A question about the level of success in restoring Deluxe.

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A question about the level of success in restoring Deluxe.

Post by Помидор » Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:21 pm

Good evening. I have been aware of and played Hidden and Dangerous for years, and purchased the Deluxe edition when it was still available in the shops. My copy is currently far away in an office (but retrievable), so I now use the downloadable version. I think it was far too long ago for me to remember things like exploding limbs, different faces and voices for each soldier etc in the original Hidden and Dangerous, but I have recently become aware of that.

I understand that there is a restoration project underway, or at least, there was. I have just downloaded Deluxe Restored, curteosy of Jason the local moderator. Would anyone be able to tell me just how restored the game will be? Will each of my soldiers have their correct faces? Will there be gore once again? Will there be Swastikas in their rightful places?

Many thanks.

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Re: A question about the level of success in restoring Delux

Post by Jason » Fri Jul 13, 2012 1:53 am

Hello and welcome to the forums.

Yes all of those things were in H&D but removed from Deluxe. Sadly the only thing that could be put back in was the Nazi flags etc. The exploding bodies could not be put back as far as I remember due to the way the character models had been changed. With H&D Deluxe Restored I went through and added the faces to individual models so they could be seperately placed in the missions. However the dynamic of loading of faces could not be figured out. And I never got around to switching over the enemy models in all of the missions. But anyone can do this since they were all released.

The clones bother everyone and I'm still determined to find a solution for it... I tried to aquire the source code for the game a short while ago (in terms of H&D community years :lol:) but was unsuccessful. I will try again at some stage, you can count on that ;)

Despite the lighting and performance improvements (which are very dramatic!) I still like to play the original over the Deluxe copy for these reasons.

At this point though, I'd really like to see a Total Conversion project into another more "open" game engine.

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