Cannot play due to "slow motion" bug, cannot workaround due to MP bug

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Cannot play due to "slow motion" bug, cannot workaround due to MP bug

Unread post by Wesley » Sat Jan 29, 2011 1:17 am

All right, let me tell you what is happening with this.

I'm getting the "new computer" bug that makes people move too slowly. The workaround for this is loading any sort of MP game first. Fine. Tiresome, but fine. Unfortunately I can't seem to manage doing that without freezing H&D2. Any time I try to join a server, I get a connecting dialogue. I never can connect. If I try to cancel, the game freezes.

I thought, maybe hosting a game will fix the walking bug. Well, I can't host a server either, because clicking that button freezes the game. I have to force it closed with task manager. In fact if I was not running a window, I would have to reboot every time. For some reason the video can't get through in that case.

I don't imagine GameSpy is any help, because I assume I have to not exit the game before starting single player.

I have forwarded ports 1004, 11001, 11002, 11003, and 11004 on the router. Added H&D2 to Windows firewall. Running 1.12 with Windows XP SP3. I just want to play SP... :cry: What should I do?

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Re: Cannot play due to "slow motion" bug, cannot workaround due to MP bug

Unread post by -ViTaMiHnM203- » Sat Jan 29, 2011 3:52 am

Stop running Windows Firewall and get your self a real firewall. Alternatively just disable Windows Firewall. Also, running your router with your computer set to DMZ might help.
Eight, 8, the burning eight; between Sunday and Monday exists a day so great, it will devastate. :twisted:

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Re: Cannot play due to "slow motion" bug, cannot workaround due to MP bug

Unread post by Wesley » Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:36 am

Hello Vitamihn, I added the address to DMZ and it now works. No idea what H&D2's problem was...thank you  smile01

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