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Operation Nomad Mission 4:Caravan-Can't find 2 Opel Trucks

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 6:29 pm
by pukey123
After using the radio I went up to the wall, looking southeast. First, I never saw any Germans and sure didn't see the 2 Opel trucks. At this point the wall is high so I can't kneel. I stand a little beyond the MG42 gunner. Also went farther back on the wall where there was a break; still didn't see the trucks at this location either. I also assume I'm supposed to use the sniper rifle to fire and the trucks and/or soldiers.
I would appreciate being pointed in the right direction so I can proceed with the mission. Right now I'm stuck and have been for a few days. Thanks in advance.

Operation Nomad Mission 4:Caravan-Can't find 2 Opel Trucks

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:23 pm
by Drozdov
Hmm, odd one, can't think of anything you're doing wrong, but perhaps one of the trucks has got stuck somewhere. In the first stage of the attack, before you've used the radio, 1 truck with a small squad of Germans appears from the East hills (I think). They will drive to the main entrance and go into the oasis - it should take them a while to get from the East to the main entrance, about 5 minutes. If you've used the radio at the start of the mission, and started the main attack, it's possible that the Germans in this truck have got spooked by the firing and stopped the truck somewhere you can't see from the walls. Or perhaps they've been drinking too much beer and have flipped their truck over. Either way, the best way to find them is to use the tactical map. All vehicles are visible on the tactical map regardless of whether or not your soldiers can see them. So search around all over the map in tactical view, and you should be able to see where the errant trucks are hiding. Oh, and a slight spoiler here, but you need to blow up at least 1 tank for the mission to end. One bazooka round on the back of the turret on the left side should do it.