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Sicily 2

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 8:32 pm
by Drozdov
I guess this is the coop mission I've played the most, and I've got my own tactic I use for this. Take a sniper rifle (since they're now useable in Sabre Squadron without the stupid stamina drain thing). You might want to get a BAR from one of the Supply boxes, though you probably won't be strong enough. Hopefully you'll have some teammates to deal with the Italians that charge up the slope to the right of the bridge. If not, sneak around and throw nades at them. 8) Then, head immediately to the PAK 40 on the west side of the bridge. Lie down just to the west of it, near the cliff - this is a good sniping spot, from which you should only be visible up to 20 m or so. Remember to defend your PAK 40 from idiot teammates. If they go on it, shout at them. When they ignore that, TK them. :twisted: Lie down on the ground (make sure not to get your uniform too muddy) and snipe away at the enemies on the other side of the canyon. With the new SS sniper system, this is easy. :lol: With any luck, your teammates will have the brains to remove the explosives from the bridge. Your job is to pick off all the enemies that poke their heads above the wall. Once the bridge has been secured, two Panzer IIIs will appear from the distance. Go and sit on the PAK 40. Don't bother firing at them until they've reached their resting spots - you'll only waste ammo, unless you're unusually lucky. Once they're at the village, open fire. It shouldn't be too hard to blow them up. Once the tanks are blown up, get off the PAK 40 and go back to your sniping position. Shoot all the infantry. Wait for the Tiger tank to appear from the west, and run back to the PAK 40. Shoot the Tiger as it crosses your field of vision, then run off the PAK 40, grab a BAR and deal with the soldiers that come up the western slope. There's also a chance the Tiger will blow up your PAK 40, which isn't good. :x If that happens, grab a clam bomb from a dead ally (or the supply box) and run down the slope to the east of the bridge, then run up to the other side and attach it to the Tiger. It should park in a spot where you can reach it without getting blown up or machine gunned. 8) You can also blow up the Tiger using the eastern PAK 40, but the chances are that some idiot has already wasted all the ammo. :evil:

Sicily 2

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 2:57 pm
by Jackshit
I tested this one the the open Beta a few months back. It's a lot of fun.
Are there sticky bombs in co-op mode or were they taken out? They're certainly not in the singleplayer campaign. I got my ass handed to me by that tiger at the end with no sticky bombs to plug him. Eventually got lucky though.

Sicily 2

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 8:03 pm
by Drozdov
There are sticky bombs in coop. In this map, there's actually a supply box full of them, and also some of the allied soldiers have sticky bombs in their inventory when they die. There's also a supply box full of BARs for some reason. :?

Sicily 2

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 8:06 pm
by Drozdov
Another tactic for this map is to hide behind the exploded Panzer III near the road (the western of the two tanks that come once the bridge is clear). Sit behind that with a sticky bomb, then run out and ambush the Tiger as it comes along the road. If you're fast, you can do it before you get shot by one of the many Italians following it. :) I've tried this tactic twice and I survived both times. 8)

Sicily 2

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 11:25 am
by da fish
yeah i normally sit behind the closest wall to where the tiger come from wait for it come past, and attack it with the clam!! (the explosive device not the small sea creature!) :P

heres what i do:
i take the garrand, (its got both rate of fire and accuracy imo) and head to the right of the bridge to head off the group of italians outflanking the good guys. take them out, and try and get a sniper thats under a bush opposite. (ive often noticed the tower behind me at this point, is this a good snipers nest?), head down into the valley and remove the dynamite the italians have placed on the bridge. watching out for the few enemys down there, then having done that i head up to the other side and help mop up. normally i take two clams. gotta love blowing those tanks up. 8)

how ever this tactic isnt the ultimate. killing tanks is a lot easier with sniper cover!!! :D

Sicily 2

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 10:28 am
by Alexander
is it still so that all ur friends just run around shooting bullets blazing? (idont got ss yet, by some reason the store havent recieved it :S)
anywho, on the betatesting, every1 just ran around forthemselves, but that was okey for me, considering we were supposed to find bugs and so on.. ... ... as long as it didnt go that bad on the alpha,
so, is it good teamwork, or selfish bastards running around for the most??

(oh man, ill maybe get it today u c... :P)

Sicily 2

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:50 pm
by yoobie
Are there sticky bombs in co-op mode or were they taken out? They're certainly not in the singleplayer campaign. [/quote]

Bah, sure they are... theyre next to the beginning of the bridge, on the right side, next to a ruined house. Theyre called explosives if i remember correctly

Sicily 2

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 8:58 pm
by Drozdov
It depends. Usually people go around doing whatever they want. There are plenty of BAR toting maniacs who just charge in and ruin everything. Sometimes you can get some teamwork in public servers but not that often. Playing with clanmates is only marginally better in my experience, but it can and should be better that way. :wink:

Sicily 2

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 12:01 pm
by Jason
The thing is everyone wants to be the hero on public servers so everyone rushes to be the best :wink: normally I just go with the flow and help out where I can. If someone gives an order I'll do my best to follow it :)

Sicily 2

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 1:06 pm
by Lars
Hmm strange I never wants to be an hero I only wants to survive...maybe thats why i always loose at occupation lol