Team selection

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Team selection

Unread post by Zunami » Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:43 pm

Everytime I played through this game I came to wonder what the optimal HD2 team would look like.
Obviously, soldiers with overall good stats and high spec's are in high demand regarding this subject.

Like a real sabre squadron it should consist of a sniper and some front fighters and like a real fire team it needs an MG and probably a medic. 

I'm pretty sure I've found the best sniper in the game, Roger Jenkins (private). Also, Herbert "Doc" Bennet appears to be the best first aid man there is. Apart from those two, I usually just pick someone with cool bg's and a non-ugly picture, maybe a funny name even, mostly because I find the task of going through each and every one of the soldiers stats to be a dreadfully boring task.

Have anyone out there managed to find the 4 optimal soldiers? Or maybe just THE best?

In order to really find out who the best are. I suppose one would have to add together all the numbers from their stats and see who comes out on top, but that only gives you the one with the most "points", his stats could still be retarded.

So people, what are your favourite teams and why?

BTW, while this hints of "general discussion", I believe it's relevant when talking strategy. Selecting the right team that is.
- ST

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Re: Team selection

Unread post by Wesley » Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:25 am

Wm. Sanders editorialised the whole team selection thing - I loved that so much. That the men had some "character" beyond what their statistics show (perhaps even unlisted characteristics). That list for H&D2 is on this server at /mirrors/, the H&D2 one, men.html.

Although I wouldn't want to play the same guys each time. I'm not good enough to keep them alive either, unless I repeatedly reload, so...quite a few good men die in my deathtrap teams  :lol:

I think ideally you need

A good medic, to keep the team alive
A good shooter/reactor, to do ambushes
A stealthy man, for uniforms - don't know if it affects being noticed
A strong man - to carry mines and rockets and such.

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Re: Team selection

Unread post by Zunami » Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:10 am

We pretty much agree.

The team needs a dedicated medic. For me, that's always the guy nicknamed Doc for obvious reasons.
He has over 80% in first aid, and you can just see the difference on how much HP is healed when he does it, and when someone else does. Naturally he always gets one of the available large first aid kits and usually what ever leftover small ones there are.
he also has good overall stats, but for me, he is the dedicated medic.

We have the dedicated sniper, Pvt. Roger Jenkins. He has an insane shooting skill. Best shooter in the game. He's also very strong it turns out, which is kinda retarded, as I don't need him to carry our spare equipment when camping in the bushes. I need those explosives up front damnit! But at least it means he can carry shit loads of ammunition with him, and won't have to go looking for ammo crates. he always get's the sniper if there is one.

We have the strong-guy (and I actually haven't found out who the heck that is yet.. But I always try to find a strong guy) who's the dedicated heavy gunner and the carrier of explosive devices when needed. He's a support character, usually kept in the background where he uses his heavy gun to suppress the enemy positions and stay alive with the scarce ammunition he has, and the very diminished inventory he can carry due to being stocked up with what ever we need to get the job done. While he's the heavygunner, I can't always afford to give him a heavy gun, because of stealth requirements, or weight being taken up by other junk. But if circumstances allow it, he gets one! He's also usually the guy posted on mounted Mg's.

Then we have the leader, the guy I play. I generally try to find a guy with good all-round stats as I need to do all jobs on the team at some point. I end up picking Cunningham more often than not, but I realized a while back that he wasn't very good actually! So I've been looking for replacement characters.
He has dibs on suppressed weapons and enemy uniforms, and as a small detail, if available, he wears a variant uniform slightly different from the others, and never wears a helmet unless disguised. I always give him a beret instead. He also has dibs on any large first aid kit available besides the one that goes to doc, and if handguns are scarce, he has dibs on those, same goes for knives and backpacks.

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