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H&D2 Player Controlled Allies

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 3:18 pm
by Duke0196
Messed around this evening and played Ponte Grande with my lone soldier adding 5 of the available SAS allies. A slightly different mindset since you can't jump into their skins as you can with your regular squad mates.

Well, I came up with this list of Allies (and Enemies you can arm) that can become part of your player controlled squad and aid you. Yep, actually had ole Hans Schumann take someone out as he was 'watching" my back. To be honest, I was trying to see whether he'd shoot me in my back. :lol:

Anyway, some of these allies are mission scripted while others you need to "bump" into to make them player controlled. Does anyone know of any others? :?:

- Mission scripted
H&D2 C1M3: Wills, Ken - RAF Pilot
H&D2 C2M5: Schumann, Hans - German Colonel
H&D2 C5M2: Salter, Elizabeth - Agent
H&D2 SS C2M1: Kelnerr, Joseph - USAAF Aircrew
H&D2 SS C2M1: McBeal, Andrew - USAAF Aircrew

- Becomes part of your squad if you bump into him
H&D2 C2M4: Axmann, Michael - German Doctor [Campaign - not in Single Mission]
H&D2 SS C3M2: Bates, Tim - SAS Ally
H&D2 SS C3M2: Edwards, Jonathan - SAS Ally
H&D2 SS C3M2: Hewett, Matthew - SAS Ally
H&D2 SS C3M2: Lawrence, David - SAS Ally
H&D2 SS C3M2: Lloyd, Mark - SAS Ally
H&D2 SS C3M2: Mason, Andrew - SAS Ally
H&D2 SS C3M2: Struthers, Graeme - SAS Ally
H&D2 SS C4M1: John Ashley - SAS Ally [Wanders away if you don't add him quick enough]

Re: H&D2 Player Controlled Allies

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:23 am
by jacobston
There is the general who's name escapes me in the Czech campaign, although he only becomes part of your unit as you take him to the villa, after all the enemies are gone (about 100 meters)

Re: H&D2 Player Controlled Allies

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 6:14 am
by -ViTaMiHnM203-
Freiberg. SS-Obergruppenführer (equivalent to general - thup01) Günter von Freiberg.